30: Burn it

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Y/n watches in amusement from the kitchen entryway as America stares at all the tea in his cabinets. On top of replacing all of the coffee, Britain had gone the extra mile by completely replacing everything in the cabinets. He did leave everything besides the coffee on the counter, however.

America sits on the ground and pulls his knees to his chest. 

"Oh come on," She tells him. "Now you're just being dramatic," 

"There's so much of it..." He mutters. 

Y/n just hums and sips the coffee out of her mug, finishing the last drops of it. America had been too concerned with the tea to notice that she was actually drinking coffee in the first place. 

"Well, I'm going to go get dressed," She says finally, walking over and bending down enough to kiss the top of his head. "And you have a day off, so catch up on sleep or something," 

"I'm gonna kill him..." America mumbles instead. 

"You were the one that called him old," Y/n retorts. 

Y/n gets dressed. She just put on a hoodie and leggings again, since she had no plans for going anywhere. 

As she does, she glances out the bedroom window and sees America in the backyard. He's at the fire pit. 

The country throws all of the tea in it. Y/n quickly realizes what he's doing and opens the window. 

"You'd better not be burning all of that!" She yells. 

"You can't stop me!" America yells back as he begins pouring gasoline over the tea boxes. 

Y/n runs downstairs and out onto the back porch. But just before America can drop a lit match into the pit, she feels a drop of water on her head. 

America looks up as well, and it begins raining. 

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" He snaps, throwing the now doused match onto the ground. 

Y/n bursts out laughing, making him glare at her as they both stand in the falling rain. 

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" America yells. 

She walks over to him, her bare feet becoming soaked in the wet grass. Y/n pats him on the back as he stares at the fire pit in disappointment.

"Well, on the bright side," She says. "The tea's ruined anyway with the rain," 

"I wanted to watch it burn..." America mutters. 

"I know, big guy," Y/n giggles. 

She leaves him to his sulking and walks over to a puddle forming in the yard. Y/n smiles and jumps into it, the bottoms of her leggings immediately becoming soaked in cold water. It makes her laugh a bit more. 

She continues to splash around in the puddle for a few minutes until America walks over to her.

"How old are you?" He asks. 

Y/n blows a raspberry at him, only further proving her childish mentality. 

America chuckles a bit. Then he wraps his arms around her, picks her up in the air, and spins her around. She giggles at the sudden action. 

America puts her back down and kisses her affectionately. 

"What was that for?" She laughs when they pull apart. 

"I always see people do this in the rain in movies," He retorts playfully. 

Y/n grins and pecks him on the lips. 

"Also, you're still sorta sick," America remarks before scooping her up bridal style. "So back inside!" 

"No!" She whines. "I like the rain!" The girl starts squirming to get away from him, but his hold is firm around her. 

"You're going to get worse again," He tells her. 

"I don't careeee," Y/n continues, even though she was shivering by that point. 

America sets her back down inside the house. She crosses her arms in frustration. 

"Aw, don't give me that look, Angel," He muses. 

Y/n sticks her tongue out him. 

"Rude," America says sarcastically. "Will you feel better if I give you one of my hoodies?" 


He grins and kisses the top of her head, then they both go to change out of their wet clothes. 


"I told you, the rain would make you worse," He scolds. 

Y/n was curled up in bed. Her fever had jumped again that evening, much to her frustration. She just wanted the sickness to be over.

America sighs and hands her a heat pack. She takes it and puts it over her chest, making her let out a small sigh of relief. It made breathing just slightly easier. 

He sits on the edge of the bed near her and places a hand on her shoulder. 

"Do you want me to run you a hot bath...?" America asks. 

"Maybe..." Y/n coughs a bit as she finishes. "Also, did you leave any tea in the house?" 

"Uhhh..." He trails off. But it was obvious that he didn't. 

She lets out a small groan of annoyance before closing her eyes. She feels America stand up from the bed, leaving her alone in the bedroom. But a few minutes later, Y/n hears water running in the bathroom. 

"Angel?" He soon enters the room again. 

Y/n sits up and rubs the sleep from her eyes. She sees America smiling at her with amusement.

"Heya sleepy head," He chuckles. 

She doesn't reply. America picks her up and carries her into the bathroom. When she undresses, he turns away. The country knows that she's a bit self-conscious of herself. 

Y/n climbs into the bubbly water, then goes far enough in so that the water is up to her collarbone. She tells him that she's in, and America comes back over. 

He sits on the floor next to the tub, then rests his head on top of hers. 

"Thank you..." Y/n mumbles. 

"You're welcome," America replies softly. He then pulls his head away and rolls up his sleeves. Y/n can feel his fingers massaging her scalp gently. She leans her head back into his touch. "Does it feel good?" 

"Yeah," She says, a bit sleepily. 

"Don't fall asleep yet," He chuckles. 

"You're making staying awake very difficult," Y/n laughs quietly. 

America smiles softly. He finishes washing her hair, then helps her step out of the tub as well as he can without looking. 

Y/n gets dressed again. Then she follows America back into their bedroom. He sits down on the bed behind her and starts brushing her damp hair out. 

"I don't deserve you," She says.

"Yes you do," America pauses for a moment to plant a kiss on the back of her head. "You deserve everything, Angel," 

Y/n smiles softly to herself. 

"There's something I want to ask you," He continues. "UN's having a fancy party thing in about a month. Will you be my date?" 

"Well, who else would you ask?" She giggles quietly. "Of course I'll go with you," 

America laughs. "Good, because I didn't have a backup," 

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