12: Forgiveness

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Philippines was there when the boys walked in. She looks as if she's about to yell at them, but instead pulls them out of the room first. 

She closes the door before she actually starts yelling. 

"Where the hell have you been?!" Philippines grabs America by the collar and pulls him down to her height. Her eyes are blazing with anger.

"Okay, no fighting please," Canada pries her away from his brother. 

"Pip I'm sorry I was just angry and all I saw was red and I wasn't thinking straight!" America says.

"At who?" She asks.

"Don't worry about it," Canada interjects. 

"Can I please see her?" America asks. 

Philippines glares at him for a few moments before letting out a sigh. Her expression softens as she speaks. "Alright...just be quiet..."

She opens the door. America runs over immediately to the bedside. But he doesn't take her hand. 

She probably hates me now...

Y/n was sound asleep. She looked fine other than the tear stains on her face. 

Those actually didn't make her look fine at all.

"W-What happened...?" America asks in a shaky voice. 

"She had a panic attack..." Philippines mumbles. "They had to sedate her to calm her down..." 

The freedom country turns back to Y/n with watery eyes. 

"I'm so sorry..." He chokes out quietly. 

"Meri..." Canada places a hand on his shoulder. "She's gonna be okay..."

"She's gonna hate me..." America mumbles, laying his head on the edge of the bed as tears begin running down his face. "I'm horrible," 

"No, you're not," Philippines sighs. 

"You were trying to be a good boyfriend," Canada adds. "You were trying to protect her," 

"And I hurt her more by doing that..." America says quietly. "And I didn't even get close to Russia..."

"Wait- did he do this?" Philippines says quickly. 


Canada cuts his brother off. "Pip we don't need to-" 

"Excuse me while I go beat someone up for you," 

Philippines grabs her coat from the chair it's sitting on. 

"Russia you'd better get f*cking prepared for the storm that coming to you!" She yells as she storms out of the room.  

"Pip!" Canada calls after her, but she's already gone. 

Meanwhile, Y/n stirs a bit at the sudden commotion. She opens her eyes a bit and groans, her hand reaching up to pinch the bridge of her nose. 

America can't bring himself to look her in the eyes. 

"Angel...?" He mutters. 

She glances over in his direction, her eyes looking past him as an obviously side effect of her bad vision. 

"S-Stars...?" Y/n's voice is a bit raspy. However, as soon as she seems to look at him, she turns away again. Her head turns away to the other side of the room, and she moves her hand away from him as well. 

"I'll give you guys a minute," Canada says quietly before walking out. 

"Y/n I'm sorry," America says once his brother is gone. "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean for this to happen..." 

Tears begin slipping down Y/n's cheeks. 

"A-Are you hurt...?" She mutters. 

He feels a stab in his heart. Even through all her pain, Y/n was still worried about him instead of herself. 

"Canada stopped me before I could get to him," America explains. 

She hums softly in response, but otherwise stays quiet. 

"I'm sorry I left you alone here," He continues. "I got so angry with Russia that I forgot that you were more important than some revenge fight..."

There's a long quiet pause between them. America feels the guilt building up inside of him. 

He was almost drowning in it.

Y/n finally turns her head back to him. She holds her hand out as an invitation for him to take it. 

"I-I forgive you..." She says quietly. "But please don't leave like that again," 

America takes her hand tightly in his and kisses her on the cheek. 

"I won't, I promise they're going to have to kill me before I leave you again," He says sternly.

Y/n laughs uneasily. "Maybe don't let that happen...?"

"No promises," 

She's able to find his face and cups in her hands. Y/n pulls him into a long soft kiss which he eagerly returns. 

She pulls away first, making America pout a bit, but Y/n couldn't see him doing it. 

"I'm still sorry..." America mutters. "I'm gonna make it up to you," 

"You don't need to-" 

"Hush, I'm plotting," 

"That sounds a bit ominous," Y/n giggles. "You can start by getting me a Milky Way from the vending machine," 

"Consider it done," America kisses her quickly on the cheek before running off. 

"Well, you got lucky," Ukraine remarks. 

"How so...?" Russia mutters. The two of them were walking in the park Ukraine finally got tired of her brother staying cooped up inside all day. 

"America was on his way to beat you up," She says, looking at her phone. "Canada stopped him," 


"Now you just have to worry about Philippines because she knows what you did," 

"That's even worse..." Russia grumbles while sending a glare at his sister. "How am I lucky at-?" 


The tall country barely had time to turn around before Philippines slams into him and sends him flying towards the ground. 

Russia grunts from the impact. However, Ukraine quickly steps in between the two of them. 

"Philippines what the h*ll?!" She snaps. "You guys are friends," 

"True," Philippines says in a low tone. "But I'm going to side with the person who's skull nearly got bashed in with a glass bottle!" 

She runs at Russia again, but Ukraine grabs her and holds her back. 

"Let me f*cking go!" 

"Russia, you should go," His sister says calmly as if she wasn't holding a screeching country. "I'll call you later," 

"Don't you dare leave you son of a f*cking b*tch I'm not done with you!" Philippines yells. 

Russia just nods and hurries off. 

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