13: Go To Sleep

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"Wakey wakey," 

Y/n groans and goes to tighten her grip around America, but finds that he's gone and squeezes the blanket instead. 

She lifts her head up and can see him standing at the bedside through her blurry vision. 

"What do you want...?" Y/n grumbles groggily. 

"Do you know what day it is?" America asks. 



She thinks for a moment before grinning and sitting up. "I'm going home today?" 

"Yep," He smiles and kisses her on the cheek. "Just a couple of hours," 

Thankfully the hours went by quickly. A doctor comes in and talks for a while, then makes them fill out some paper work. Y/n makes America do that part since she still can't see well enough to write. 

She still had to wear the bandages on her head for another two days, and then spend another week being 'minimally active'. That wouldn't be an issue until her vision cleared. But Y/n planned to ignore their rules and start doing things again once she could see. 

Finally, she's cleared to leave. Y/n happily changes out of her hospital scrubs and into a fresh pair of clothes. 

I missed my hoodie.

"Ready to go?" America asks when she steps out of the bathroom. 

"H*ll yes," Y/n replies happily. She walks over to him and takes his hand. "Don't let me run into anything," 

"I won't," He chuckles. 

They pass a few nurses as they walk down the hall. Y/n can't tell if any of them had helped her or not, so she just smiles at all of them as they pass. 

"You're in a good mood," America remarks.

"I'm about to see the sun for the first time in years," She responds in a slightly overdramatic tone. 

"It's only been a week," He retorts. "And you've been asleep half of the time," 

"Shhh," Y/n smiles in amusement and holds a finger to her lips. 

They both finally step through the hospital doors. She puts her hand up to block the bright sunlight for a moment, but smiles nonetheless. 

"Congratulations," America laughs. "You're no longer a vampire," 

"Can we go get something to eat other than hospital food?" Y/n asks 

"Heck yeah," He says. "Where do you wanna go?" 




"Go to bed," 

"No! All I've been doing is sleeping!" 

Once they're back at Y/n's apartment, America tries to make her go to sleep. 

Emphasis on 'tries'. 

He wraps his arms around her waist to keep her from running away. Y/n squirms, but obviously still didn't have enough energy to fight for too long. 

When she finally gives up, America scoops her up bridal style and brings her to her room. 

"I'm not tired," Y/n insists as he sets her down on the bed. 

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