20: The Visitor

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America shifts uncomfortably as Canada glares at him from the side of the room. 

He was sitting on the edge of a hospital bed a few days after passing out from exhaustion. America was just waiting for the discharge papers so he could go back to working, but he had the feeling that Canada was going to try and stop, or at least limit, him from doing so.

A doctor finally walks in and lets him sign the papers to leave. America walks out of the hostpial next to his brother in silence. 

"Are you going to tell me what's happened now?" He asks. 

Canada lets out a small sigh. He hadn't said anything about work since America had been in the hospital. 

"Greenland translated the sign language. It was a bit garbled since she was in restraints, but he thinks that she was trying to give us hints to where she is," Canada explains. 

"What did she say?" America continues as they walk out into the cold, open air. 

Last time I did this I was holding Y/n's hand...she was here...

"She said that it was cold and that it was probably a basement of some sort," Canada says. "And that she heard water running behind the walls," 

"So that narrows it down to any basement this time of year with pipes in the wall," America grumbles. 

"It's a start," Canada retorts. "And Interpol thinks that she's still in the city at least," 

They walk back into America office, and both stop in their tracks. Canada is the first to speak. 

"Mom, dad?" 

France and Britain turn at the sound of his voice. They run over and pull both of their sons into tight hugs. 

America doesn't know why they've come, but he's happy nonetheless...even with Britain. 

He's almost upset when the hug breaks up. 

"What are you guys doing here?" He asks. His tone was lighter than it had been earlier. 

"We came to help," France says. 

"You don't need to-" 

America is cut off as his mother puts a finger to his lips. 

"No, no arguing," France tells him firmly. "It's obvious that you love her. And that makes her apart of our family too," 

America nods. He feels tears pricking in his eyes. 

"Thank you..." 

Y/n had gotten sick, undoubtably from one of the cuts. It wasn't bad enough for China to notice...not yet at least. But she knew that something was wrong. 

When he had knocked her out, he had finished patching up her arm. But it was only her arm, the other cuts were left exposed. Even though he assured her that it had been the only thing that he had done while she had been out, she wasn't convinced. 

He had kidnapped her, how could she trust him?

One day, China had come in and told her that America was in the hospital. He didn't say what for, but Y/n had gone into a rage and tried to attack him, which resulted in her being drugged again to knock her out. 

But he never hurt her at any time besides his outburst.

She lost track of time. There was no clock on the wall or light coming inside that told her how many days had passed. 

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