29: Tea for Coffee

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"Ten minutes," Britain remarks. "That's the longest so far," 

He glances at Y/n, who's dozing peacefully on the couch. After a bit of anti-biotics and a sleeping pill, she was finally resting for longer than what had become normal for her. 

"I've helped to raise four kids who have all gotten sick at one point or another," France replies with a smile on her face. "I know what I'm doing by now," 

"That's why I called," Britain chuckles before taking a sip of tea. As he does, his phone starts ringing. Not particularly caring for whoever it was, he answers without looking at the caller ID. 



Britain sets his cup down and quickly excuses himself. He goes outside onto the back porch before responding. 

"Where have you been?" That was a dumb question, his son was in DC. But he was too frustrated to care. "America we've all been worried sick!" 

"I know, I know," America replies. "I'm sorry, okay?"

"Are you alright?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine," He assures him. "Things are dying down pretty quickly down here actually. I'll be home by tomorrow evening..." America trails off. The sudden uncertainty surprises Britain a bit. 


"How's Y/n...?" He asks shame laced in his tone. 

"She's going to be fine," Britain explains. "She's just exhausted," 

"Can I talk to her...?" 

"France and I just got her to sleep," He says. "So I'm afraid not," 


"Are you okay, America?" Britain asks. "Something else seems to be wrong,"

"I...sorta yelled at her before I left..." America admits. "She was just trying to help but...I was too freaked out and..."

Is he crying...?

Britain hadn't heard his son cry since he was a young child. But now, he could certainly hear the strain in America's voice. 

"America, she's just worried for you," 

"That's what Canada said..."

"Because it's true," Britain tells him. "Look, Y/n understands you and your job better than anyone. It's really surprising actually...but she knows the stresses you have. She cares about you. So get your sorry a** back here and talk things out with your girlfriend before I propose for you," 


He laughs a bit before becoming curious again. "But in all seriousness, don't dilly dally, alright?" 

"Sure thing, old man," 

"I'm going to replace all of the coffee in your house with tea if you make one more comment about my age..."


"Say goodbye to your coffee, son," Britain says threateningly. "Perhaps I'll throw it away in the London harbor..." (brit don't do that, that's littering >:0)


Britain hangs up. There's a grin on his face. 

Yes, he fully intended to replace the coffee in the house with tea. 

Y/n could tolerate tea, so it wouldn't be an issue for her. 

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