18: Russian Roulette

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Thank you all for all of the support on this book <3 I'm sorry if I don't respond to everyone's comments but I really do appreciate all of you :3

Y/n looks up at the sound of the door opening. She hadn't slept a wink the entire night, or whatever time of day it was. She had no way of knowing. 

China glances at the untouched teacup with a bit of dismay. He kneels down next to her cot with a small tray of food. 

"Are you hungry?" He asks. 

She looks away again and says nothing. 

"You're only hurting yourself," China says. "But since you don't seem to want to eat, I guess we should just skip to the next event," 


China grabs her wrist and harshly hauls her to her feet. Y/n staggers since her ankles are still kept together with handcuffs, but he keeps ahold of her so she doesn't fall. She flinches, she didn't want him to touch her. She didn't trust him at all. 

He makes her sit in the chair at the desk, then attaches the cuffs to it so that she can't run. It wasn't like she could run in the first place though...

"What are you doing...?" Y/n asks quietly while trying to mask the fear in her voice. 

"We're going to play a game," China tells her. He pulls a strand of hair away from her face, but she jerks away from him. He clicks his tongue and walks around to the other side of the desk. There's a camera sitting on a tripod there. 

"Smile for the camera, Angel," He muses. "You're on video," 

"F*ck off," 

"Bad language," China remarks. She glares at him. 

Meanwhile, he reaches in to his coat and pulls out something shiny that makes her eyes widen. China spins the barrel of the pistol around a few times, glancing at her once or twice. 

"We're playing a little game," He walks back around to her side and prods her shoulder with the pistol, making her whimper quietly. "Of Russian Roulette," 

Y/n feels her breathing quickening as China spins the barrel once more. 

"Say hello to your friends, Y/n," He says, turning her head to look at the camera. She looks away from it as tears start slipping down her face. "I wonder if your dear America is watching," 

Y/n doesn't want to appear weaker than she already seems, so she stays quiet.

China moves to her side and points the pistol at her head. 

"Let's begin, shall we?" 

America kept his eyes on the laptop screen the entire night. He wanted to keep any eye on Y/n.

It's not like I can do anything if something changes...

So far, it looked as if Y/n hadn't slept at all either. 

Canada walks into his office with a cup of coffee.

"You should have slept..." His brother scolds. 

America takes the coffee from him. "I can't..."

Canada just nods and pulls up a chair next to his brother. 

"Has anything happened?"

"Not yet..." 

"And they can't trace the signal?" 

"They're trying to..."

Canada gets the feeling that he doesn't really want to talk. So the two of them sit in silence while watching the video feed. 

America visibly stiffens as China walks into the room. He walks over and sets a tray down near the girl's cot. But she seems uninterested in what was brought to her. 

Suddenly, China grabs her harshly by the arm and yanks her upright. Since she wasn't able to walk with the restraints on her legs, he drags her over to a stone table in the center of the room. The feed goes dead. But before either brother can say anything, a new angle appears. 

"Smile for the camera, Angel," China says in a sing-song tone. "You're on video,"

"F*ck off," Y/n growls. Defiance shone in her tired eyes. 

America starts bouncing his leg anxiously. 

Get the h*ll away from her...

"Bad language," China remarks. She glares at him, but remains quiet. Y/n's eyes soon widen as she looks past the camera, presumably to where her captor was standing. There's a strange ticking noise that seems to bother her the most.

"We're playing a little game," China walks into the view of the camera "Of Russian Roulette,"

There was a pistol in his hands. 

America quickly stands up from his desk and walks a bit away, panic flaring up inside of him. The freedom country begins pacing back and forth near the doorway of his office. Canada eyes him worriedly, but says nothing. 

"Say hello to your friends, Y/n," China continues. "I wonder if your dear America is watching,"

"I'm going to kill him..." America snarls in such a low tone that he's hardly audible. 

"Let's begin, shall we?" The video continues. "You have six shots. I wonder which one is lucky?"

America forces himself to sit back in his chair and watch. Y/n had tears running down her face as she looks down. The pistol was aimed at he'd head. 






The first five were empty. That was a complete miracle. Except that the pistol held six bullets at a time. 

Meaning that the last shot was definitely a death wish.

"I see that luck is on your side, my dear," China walks behind her, cupping her face from behind in one hand and pressing the pistol against her temple with another. "It's such a shame to see you go,"

"No no...don't..."

But before he can fire, Y/n's head jerks. She bites his hand hard, making his other point away from her and fire the shot at the wall. China yelps and curses.

America smiles to himself, just a little. 

That's my girl

While China's distracted. Y/n starts making hand movements to the camera. When she seems to finally finish, she flashes a weak smile at the camera.

It makes America's heart ache.

But that's when China regains himself. He walks over to the camera and shuts it off, leaving the screen dark. 

America lets out a heavy breath before bursting into tears. The stress was killing him. He felt like he was drowning in it.

 Canada pats his brother on the back until he calms down. 

"America, focus, remember?" He says. 

"Y-Yeah," America straightens his posture. "I-I remember," 

"Good," Canada closes the laptop and picks it up. "We need to find Greenland," 

"Why?" The freedom country looks at him in confusion.

His brother flashes a small smile. "Because he knows sign language," 

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