9: Darkness

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I can't move...

Wait-! Yes I can...sorta...

Y/n opens her eyes to darkness. She blinks a few times to clear her vision, but there's nothing, just black. 

She pushes herself up into a sitting position. There's something on her arm that pulls back a bit, a tube maybe. 

Wait, am I in a hospital?...Sh*t

Y/n begins to panic. She hated hospitals. And as far as she knew, she was alone. 

That thought is quickly discarded as a hand gently pushes her back down. Y/n squirms to try and get away from whoever it was. They wrap their arms around her to keep her restrained. 

"Woah! Angel it's just me!" America's voice says hastily. "It's Stars!"

She abruptly stops struggling. "America...?" 

"Hey there," He says much more softly. "It's alright," 

Y/n whimpers and is able to find his shoulder. She buries her face into the jacket that covered it and takes in a shuddering breath as her body trembles. America strokes her hair for a few minutes, also muttering soft words of comfort until she's able to calm down. 

"Here, lay back down," He tells her. 

Y/n does as she's told. She felt much more relaxed knowing that he was there with her. 

"America...I-I can't...." She trails off. America takes her hand. 

"What is it?" 

"I can't see," Y/n mutters quietly. "It's all dark and I can't see you o-or anything else and-"

"Hey, hey, calm down," He tells her, squeezing her hand in comfort. "I'm right here, okay?" 

She nods hesitantly.

"I'm gonna go and get a doctor," America continues, there was pain in his voice. "I'll just be in the doorway, I'm not leaving," 

Y/n feels the anxiety returning. But a kiss on the forehead from him reassures her long enough for him to find someone. 

The doctors tell her that the blindness was most likely temporary. It made her relieved, but that still meant probably not seeing anyone or anything for a week at least. 

She was lucky. 

Later that day, America sits with her in her hospital bed. Y/n was curled up against him. She would never tell him that she was afraid. Though he probably already knew. 

"Do you remember anything from the night at bar?" America asks out of the blue. 

"Other than getting smacked upside the head with a bottle and waking up in the hospital...not really..." She mumbles. Just trying to remember made her head hurt more. It was already always throbbing dully. 

Y/n presses closer against him. She can feel tears slipping down her face.

What if her blindness didn't go away? What if she never saw again?

What if she never saw America again?

"You okay, Angel?" He asks softly. 

"Mhm," Y/n hums. However, there's a small break in her voice. 

America notices. He moves away from her, but Y/n can hear him rummaging around something off to the side. She sits up to try and hear better. It doesn't make much of a difference.

"What is it?" She asks, hastily wiping the tears away. 

"Philippines brought some stuff over from your house," America explains. Y/n feels him sit back on the edge of the bed. "Here," 

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