28: Check-ins

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Y/n wakes up to her phone ringing. It was much later than before. She's groggily answers it.


"Y/n!" Canada's voice comes relieved. "Are you and America okay?" He seemed more worried about America though, Y/n could tell from his voice. 

"I'm okay..." She replies, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "I don't know about America. He hasn't said anything to me since he left..."

Her mind drifts back to his earlier outburst. Y/n can feel herself trembling a bit at the memory. 

"You sound tired," Ukraine's voice says. "Are you sure you're alright?" 

"Yeah," Y/n says, trying to makes her voice sound stronger than it was. "America was just sick the other day and I think I might have caught something from him," 

She could feel the hoarseness in the back of her throat threatening to take over her voice. Plus, she was must more tired than she should have been at three in the afternoon after sleeping for over 12 hours. 

"Just...call us if you need anything then," Ukraine continues. 

"We'll tell Meri to call you if we get ahold of him," Canada adds. 


"Are you really sure you're okay?" Ukraine asks again. 

"I'll be fine, I just need to sleep it off," Y/n assures her. "Bye guys," 

"Bye," The both say in unison before hanging up.

Y/n smiles a bit. But her mind immediately travels back to America, making her quickly frown again.

She coughs a bit before putting her head back down and falling asleep. 

The next day, Y/n wakes up feeling worse. Because of both America's sudden silence and because of her worsening condition. She keeps telling self that it's a bad cold and nothing more even though it was obviously bad.

She almost calls Ukraine or Philippines, but doesn't want to bother them. Y/n figures that she's already caused enough trouble for all of her friends anyway. 

After drinking a cup of coffee, she opens her laptop and tries to distract herself from the 'cold' with perfectly cut screams and cat videos, but nothing seems to work well for her. 

The constant coughing prevented her from sleeping too, so that was also out of the question. By the middle of the day, all Y/n wanted was to close her eyes and go to bed. But every time she tried she almost immediately woke up again. 

She tries again, but this time her phone wakes her up before the coughing. Y/n curses before answering the caller in a lighter tone of voice. 


"Jesus Y/n, you sound worse," Canada replies worriedly. 

"I'm fine..." Y/n mumbles. 

"No you're not," He replies sternly. "Raine and I are coming over," 

"Don't you guys have meetings?" 

"Mine's having a recess right now but I can leave," Canada says. 

"No, Nada," She grumbles. "Stay there and finish what you're doing. And even then, just leave me alone..."

He sighs a bit. 

"Alright...fine..." Canada tells her. "But I'm checking in on you later,"


"Bye Y/n," 

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