1. Hate at first gaze

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Amber's P.O.V.:

At 9.30 in the morning, the clock showed the time. Out in the front yard of our house, my dog, Jasper, laid on the grass. His eyes were half-opened, and they gazed in my direction filled with sadness.

Today marks the beginning of my adventure to Leeds, where I'm commencing my undergraduate studies at the university. I'll be living in the university dormitories for the next four years. This development has not only saddened my parents but also deeply affected my dear friend, Jasper. He has been by my side for as long as I can remember and is akin to a younger brother to me. Being an only child can be lonely, but having a furry sibling is the silver lining.

My mother, Anna Milburn, and dad, Henry Milburn, are genuinely delighted that their daughter is finally entering her dream business school. However, there's also a tinge of sorrow in their hearts because they won't have the chance to see their one and only daughter as frequently as they once did.

As my dad carefully puts my bags in his Volkswagen Derby, he looks sad. At the same time, my mom is talking about the snacks she packed for me.

"Amber, please pay attention. I've packed three bags of dry snacks, two boxes of your absolute favorite chocolates, five bottles of juice, and three bags of nuts and raisins for you. Promise me, and I mean it, promise me you won't ever think about skipping your meals. Have your meals on time and drink fresh juice three times a day..." Her instructions continued on.

"Mom! I'll make sure to visit you during my breaks. And don't worry, I wouldn't dream of missing a meal – I know you'd have my head if I did."

It may seem ironic, but when it comes to moms, nothing is too surprising. They're capable of anything. 

"Also, I'll not only enjoy all the treats you've packed but share them with my new friends as well. Anything else?" I inquired, wrapping my arms around my mom from behind and resting my head on her shoulder.

"Good girl! I have also packed all the warm clothes. Dress appropriately for the weather, and don't go sporting summer attire in the middle of an arctic blast..." Mom was in the middle of an outfit forecast when dad swooped in.

"Honey, our daughter is a big girl now. She can take care of herself. " he said as he held her waist and pulled her towards him.

"Not fair dad! You cannot take my mom away like that." I said whining.

"I've been generous enough in sharing my wife with you. Now, it's my turn to have her all to myself." he said, sealing the deal with a kiss that would make a Hollywood rom-com jealous.

Jasper and I closed our eyes.

"Could you two please save the romance for the sequel? I'm trying to catch a flight here," I remarked, making a somewhat disgusted expression.

My dad responded with a mischievous wink, saying, "Well, if I hadn't romanced your mom, you wouldn't be in this world," which caused my mom to blush.

"Thanks a lot for that tidbit information, dad. Now that you've had your moment with your wife, shall we get going to the airport?" I asked, putting on a puppy-dog expression.

"Permission granted!" he exclaimed in a playful tone, prompting a chorus of laughter that could've rivaled a sitcom's canned applause.


I embraced my parents tightly and planted a loving kiss on Jasper's furry head before making my way into the airport.

Today marked the start of a new chapter in my life, where I aimed to become independent and I don't need to depend on my parents. Even though they own quite a popular restaurant in town which is heavily frequented by then locals as well as the tourists, I don't want to rely on them for my financial needs anymore. My parents initially had doubts but eventually supported my decision.

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