31. Failed first attempt

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Chris' P.O.V.: 

"You're ready, Chris?" Ryan asked me as our car stopped in front of the Austin's Resort.

We landed in Vermont at 11 this morning. I wanted to come here directly and meet Amber but everyone needed rest and also, because I needed a little more time to get myself prepared both mentally and emotionally. 

"I think I am." I said, as a took a deep breathe and exited the car. 

"This is your chance, brother. I wish all the luck to you." Oliver encouraged. 

"And I wish all the bad luck to you." 

And there she goes again. Elsa has already taunted me and discouraged me to the level of 'est' since the day she came to my office.

"Babe, don't be like this." Oliver said. 

Elsa just rolled her eyes and entered the party hall along with Jade leaving us behind at the entrance of the hall. 

"Guys, I am shit scared right now. I don't know how am I gonna face her." I said, nervously. It must be the first time that I was this scared and was feeling nervous. I haven't seen her and here I am already feeling sweaty. 

"Chris, chill! I know you can do this, buddy!" Ryan said, encouragingly as he lightly patted on my shoulder. 

I nodded my head slowly. I took nth deep breath and entered the hall. 

The hall was huge and the number of guests present were beyond numbers. 

"What is this party for?" Oliver had told me the reason for this party but I forgot it again. The nervousness has been over powering everything else in my mind. 

"It's the silver jubilee of this resort today, brother." Oliver replied. 


We walked through the huge crowd and made our way to the bar. Elsa and Jade were already there holding their drinks. 

I looked around in the hope of finding Amber standing somewhere but to my dismay, I couldn't find her anywhere. 

Where are you, Amber?

"Are you sure we are at the right place, Oliver?" I asked. 

"Definitely! We are at the right place." he said. 

"May I have your attention, please..." we heard the host of the party saying in the microphone at the height of the stairs.

Everyone present at the hall including us, turned towards the host. 

"It's a great pleasure to have you all join us for the silver jubilee celebration of Austin's Resort. I, Mathew Bryan on behalf of Mr. Austin, would like to welcome you all here." he continued. 

Everyone applauded. 

I kept looking here and there in the hope of seeing my Amber. 

"May I now welcome the host of the evening and the owner of this resort, Mr. and Mrs. Austin along with their son, Mr. Mark Austin." he said and the light of the whole hall went off and two spot lights were switched on, which traveled through the hall and stopped at the entrance of the hall. We could finally see an elderly couple entering the hall followed by a guy of around my age. 


That's Mark!

"Mark is the heir of this resort?" I heard Elsa asking in surprise. 

My blood boiled looking at him. I still remember how much I hated him back in the university for flirting with Amber at every occasion possible.

"Amber's here, Chris." I heard Ryan saying.

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