9. He needs to put a pillow

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Amber's P.O.V.:

Upon reaching my floor, I stepped out of the elevator. As I strolled past the cubicles, I noticed new faces diligently working at their desks on laptops, confirming Lucas's description from yesterday: they were all in their late 30s and mid-40s.

Upon entering the cabin, I saw that Chris was already there, engrossed in his laptop. I knocked gently before entering.

"Good morning, sir!" I greeted, to which I received only a nod in reply.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the cabinets to retrieve some files that needed review. As I delved into the documents, my mind was anything but focused. The same question kept looping in my head: Why had he suddenly swapped all the male employees for female ones? I hadn't even managed a good night's sleep due to this question's relentless torment. Did he do it because he saw me chatting with Paul?

I recalled how furious he used to get whenever he saw Mark and me conversing.

"Remember, Amber, he said he has no feelings for you? He rejected you three years ago, and yet you're stuck on those same feelings," I chided myself in a low voice. "Move on, already!"

But the question persisted: Why did he make this decision?

I looked up from the files, ready to pose the question, but decided against it. He appeared deeply absorbed in his work and looked, well, extremely...you know.

"Amber, stop overthinking it and just ask him the question to clear your head," my conscience advised.

Should I? Ain't I delving too deeply into this matter? After all, it is his company, and he has every right to choose his employees. I shouldn't bother him with such a question.

"And keep letting doubt and confusion occupy your mind all day?" my conscience countered.

I closed the file, mustered some courage, and slowly approached his desk.

I halted when I reached his desk. "Sir, I...I wanted..." I stuttered.

"Yes?" he inquired without looking up from his laptop.

How does he manage to look perfect every time?

"Oh my horny Amber, please focus!"

"Yes, focus!"

"Umm...Chris...I mean, sir," I struggled to string together a coherent sentence.

He now gazed directly into my eyes, a questioning look in his own.

God...his eyes. They are making me weak.

"Ms. Milburn, do you need something?" he queried, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, sir. I wanted your signature on these documents," I blurted out and, without thinking, I placed a random file in front of him.

Good job, Amber! Wow. Just wow. My conscience mocked.

He opened the file and skimmed through the pages. He then peered at me as if I had suddenly grown two heads.

"Are you sure you want me to sign on this?" He asked me with slightly raised eyebrows.

"Yes, sir!" I blurted out awkwardly.

"So you want me to sign on your diet plan?" he asked, this time with a hint of slight amusement on his face.

"Yes, sir!" I responded without thinking.


Diet plan?

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