8. Mr. Don't Mimic Me, Again!

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Amber's P.O.V.:

"Now, if you're finished wasting my time, go and bring me my cup of coffee. No sugar!" I mocked him as I began making coffee for him.

"He doesn't like sugar. That explains why he's so bitter. A bitter man with a bitter personality who loves sugar-less, bitter coffee," I mused aloud.

"Why am I so unlucky? Out of hundreds and thousands of companies in the entire country, why did I have to be referred to his company?" I continued my rant.

"Wow! I didn't know you could keep ranting for such a long stretch of time. You are one of the most amusing characters I have come across so far," a male voice interrupted.

"Can't you see that you're at your workplace? Why do you rant so much, Amber?" I scolded myself internally.

"Oh, umm...actually, I keep ranting about random unnecessary things," I replied awkwardly as I switched off the coffee machine.

"It's Paul Acker. I didn't get the chance to introduce myself yesterday. And since you've been hired as Mr. Collins' PA, we will be meeting each other on a daily basis. So, I thought it would be better if we knew each other's names," he said, smiling.

"Nice name, Paul. I am Amber Milburn," I introduced myself, offering a handshake, which he accepted.

"So, how's your first day as Mr. Collins' PA going?" he inquired as he sipped coffee from his cup.

"It's going quite well," I replied.

What else could I have said? That I slapped the CEO on my very first day of the job?

"Good to know. I'll see you around then," he said as he finished his coffee and disposed of the paper cup.

"Yeah, I also need to take the coffee to Mr. Collins before he gets furious. I'll see you around," I agreed, then left the break room with the coffee in my hands.

I opened Chris' office door carefully, ensuring the coffee didn't spill. I remembered Paul's warning that Chris had a major case of OCD and disliked any mess in his office.

I gently closed the door and placed the cup of coffee on his desk, waiting for his next command.

He was engrossed in typing on his laptop and looked quite attractive while working.

God...what's wrong with me?

"He's right, Amber. You seriously don't have any self-respect. Just a moment ago, he insulted you, and you're already finding him attractive. Good going!" my conscience taunted.

I shook my head to rid myself of such thoughts and walked toward the couch near the study area.

These high heels are killing me!

Before I could sit on the couch, he spoke suddenly, making me stand abruptly.

"Ms. Milburn, I've sent you an email. Forward it to all the employees working on this floor," he commanded, without even looking at me for a second.

"Yes, sir!" I replied, opening the email and forwarding it to the six employees on this floor. After sending the email, I finally sat on the couch and began organizing his schedule for the day. I was engrossed in arranging his appointments when I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in!" Chris said, not diverting his gaze from the file he was working on.

Paul entered the cabin looking somewhat tense.

I stood up and welcomed him with a smile, which he reciprocated with a faint one. I sat on my seat, focusing on my work when I inadvertently overheard their conversation.

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