19. No, I didn't.

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Amber's P.O.V.: 

"Ms. Milburn?" 

"Ms. Milburn, you're okay?" 

"Ms. Milburn?" 

I suddenly started hearing Chris' voice. How can he manage to speak during a kiss?

"Ms. Milburn?" My body was shook by him. And that is when I opened my eyes and found him standing in front of me looking at me as if I was an alien. 

What happened? When did the kiss end?

And that is when the realization hit me that I was just kissing in the air and I was standing in front of him making a pout. 

Wait a minute. He is holding me but his expression is not something I  was expecting and...

Stop pouting already, Amber. Inner me scolded me.

I was kissing him, wasn't I?

God! Was it just a dream?

Shit! No, he must be thinking that I am a lunatic. 

What is wrong with me? 

What sort of dream was this? 

"You're alright?" he asked again. 

No! How can I be? I just kissed you in my dream and you think I would be alright after that? 

I stood straight and moved back , away from his hold. I brushed my hair with my fingers to remove the snow from my hair and picked my cap from the ground.

"Uh...Ye..yes." I managed to say. 

I just couldn't look into his eyes. This is so embarrassing.

 And without wasting any more seconds, I started walking towards the hotel's gate and ran inside and took the elevator. As soon as I reached our floor, I ran towards my room and entered. I then closed the door shut and leaned on the door, putting my hand over my beating heart. 


What is wrong with you, Amber? 

I went straight to the bathroom and washed my face a number of times. Finally, after that I could come back to the reality that I just had a kiss with Chris in my head and I really need to get a grip of my fantasies.

I decided to call Ade as I saw a missed call from her when I opened my phone.

I was just explaining to her how beautiful Switzerland is when suddenly there was a knock on my door. 

I was just hoping that it was not him. I opened the door and there you go, it's him. 

Why lord?

"You're here?" I asked.

"Yes. I am here to call you for dinner. Let's go." he said. He was trying to control his laugh I guess.

I ignored it.

 This happens when you don't control your hormones. Inner me taunted me. 

I shut the inner voice up and managed to nod my head. 

God! This dinner is going to be extremely awkward. 

But, wait a minute, why would it be awkward?

He doesn't know what I dreamt about.

Girl, but he saw your pout.

Shut up! 

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