2. First meeting, potential last meeting

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Amber's P.O.V.:

We arrived at Chris's place after about a 20-minutes ride. Exiting Oliver's car, we found ourselves in front of a 20-story building located in a posh area of the city.

"Wow! You guys are rich," Elsa exclaimed.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Oliver replied, earning a roll of the eyes from Elsa.

"Let's go inside now," he said, leading us into the building. The lobby had the appearance of a 5-star hotel's entrance.

He directed us toward the elevator, and we entered it. Oliver pressed the button for the 19th floor.

Within minutes, we were standing in front of an opulent-looking apartment door.

"Please try not to make too much noise. My brother doesn't like noise," Oliver cautioned us before opening the grand entrance to their apartment.

"Is this a 5-star hotel? Everything in this apartment screams money," Elsa remarked, gazing around in awe.

She was absolutely right. The apartment exuded opulence in every corner. Every single item within the apartment seemed to cost more than my entire year's pocket money.

"Where is he?" I inquired.

"He's probably in his study. He spends a lot of time there," Oliver informed.

"Where's the study?" I asked.

"Turn left from here. You'll find it at the end of the corridor. Please knock on the door before entering," he instructed, settling on the couch while Elsa continued to admire the interior.

"Sure," I replied, following his directions to the study.

The apartment was so spacious that it took me a good 5 minutes just to reach the entrance of his study. I stood there for a moment, gathering my courage before finally knocking on the study door.

"You can do this, Amber Milburn. He won't eat you. He's just a human. Why are you getting so nervous? Just buck up and knock," I muttered to myself, attempting to bolster my confidence.

I raised my hand to knock on the door.

Just as I was about to tap on the door, it swung open abruptly, revealing him standing there, gripping the doorknob and looking at me with those piercing oceanic blue eyes.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from him. He was incredibly tall, and I could discern the outline of his broad shoulders, chiseled chest, and abdominal muscles through his tight-fitting white polo shirt.

He looked at me with a puzzled expression, raising an eyebrow in question.

It was only then that I realized my hand was still suspended in mid-air. I lowered it quickly and let out a comical laugh that sounded rather awkward.

What is wrong with you, Amber?

He continued to stand there with his arms folded across his broad chest, resembling a bodyguard. His physique was impressive, and the scent of his cologne drifted into my nostrils, carrying a refreshing, minty aroma.

Amber, focus!

"Ummm... Hey, I am Amber Milburn," I said, extending my hand toward him for a handshake. He simply ignored my gesture.

And now that's embarassing!

"What are you doing in my apartment? Who gave you the address?" he demanded in his deep, husky voice.

"I wanted to meet you..." I began, but before I could finish my sentence, he snapped at me.

"I am not interested in your introduction. What are you doing in my apartment? And who the hell gave you the address?" his voice thundered in the corridor.

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