16. Not yet, Ms. Milburn!

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Amber's P.O.V.:

I dropped my mom at the airport and hurried for the work. I reached at his mansion at around 9.

I just hope he isn't mad at me for last night. 

Afraid of him? 

What? Afraid of Chris? Never! 

I took a deep breathe before knocking at his office door. 

"Come in!" I heard his deep voice. 

I opened the door slowly and walked inside. 

He was busy with some files. He had ditched his suit today and was wearing a light blue shirt. He had rolled up his sleeves up to his elbows. When guys roll up their sleeves, I find them extremely attractive. It gives the vibe that they are ready to get to work and are not here to play around. He looked so focused.

And not to mention, how sexy those muscular arms of his looked and the veins on his hands looked so enticing.

God! I am heartbroken and horny at the same time. 

I need to calm myself down.

I am not letting my guards down. I have self respect and I am not going to drool over him anymore. 

Work! Focus! 

No veins! no rolled up sleeves! 

I went and sat on the L-shaped couch and took out my tablet from my hand bag. 

I had already received a mail from him in which he had assigned me some works. 

He acted as if I wasn't even in the room. I decided to do the same. 

I started working on the day's agendas. 

Work 1- completed!

Work 2- completed! 

"Ms. Milburn, make me a cup of coffee." he ordered without looking at me, busy in his work. 

Fine! Don't look at me. I am completely fine with it. 

'Ms. Milburn, make me a cup of coffee.'  

You don't know anything apart from ordering and bossing around. 

I went and made coffee for him and took it to him. 

I placed the cup on his table on it's position. 

It was then when he finally raised his eyes and looked at me. 

"Ms. Milburn..." he said.

"Yes, sir." I said, in a very professional tone.   

"Don't mimic me. I hate it." he said and took the cup from the table and started sipping on it relaxing his back on his chair. 

Shit! I spoke....

Before I could even complete my thought, he spoke again. 

"Yes, you spoke your thoughts loudly, again. Now get back to work." he said.

I want to go up high in the sky and explode. 

I walked towards the couch and sat on it. 

I looked up at Chris and surprisingly, he was looking at me as well. 

We kept staring at each other for god knows how long. 

"Ms. Milburn, are you single?" he asked out of blue. 

His question made me choke on my saliva. 

"Sir?" I asked, unsure if I heard the right question. 

"I asked, are you single?" he asked again, slightly frustrated. 

Broken But Yoursحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن