18. Yes, I did.

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Amber's P.O.V: 

"Yes, mom. We've landed safely at the Zurich Airport. Yes, mom. Okay, I will. You don't worry. Love you! Bye." I talked to my mom and then hung up. 

We were in the car right now and were heading to the hotel where our stay was arranged by our company's client. 

Chris has a meeting with the client in the afternoon. Chris is thinking of buying their company and converting it into one of his subsidiaries. This meeting is just for the name sake as the deal has already been finalized and the only thing left to do now is for both the parties to sign the contract and other paperworks. 

He just needed to finalize some terms of the contract and sign on it and there was absolutely no necessity for his assistant to tag along with him. I mean why would you need an assistant to sign a contract, to open the cap of the pen? 

I had to come with him because he gave me a lecture on professionalism for straight 10 minutes. 

We reached at the hotel at around 10 in the morning. The hotel was a five star hotel. Honestly, I have never stayed at a five star hotel so it's gonna be my first time staying at one and I am lowkey excited for that. I just hope that our stay here will be a smooth one. 

I also hope that my mood doesn't get spoiled by his mood swings. It's also my first time coming to Switzerland and I want to get the most of it. We are here for about four to five days. The first two days he will be completing all his company related works and for the remaining three days, he has some personal matters to deal with. I am not sure if he will tell me to take a flight back to London after all the company related works are over or if he will ask me to stay. I don't think the latter option is possible. I don't think if a boss would want his employee to tag along with him for the personal matters. I am not sure.  Anyways, I have decided to go with him for his meetings and when we are done with the meetings, I will go and see the snow covered mountains and enjoy the beautiful Zurich. It's breathtaking and so so beautiful. Since I was a kid, visiting Switzerland was on my bucket list. Finally, I am here. 

"Sir, here are your keys." one of the receptionists at the reception told Chris as she handed over two key cards to Chris. He took it from her and thanked her. 

Then one of the bell boy came and put our luggage bags on the luggage carrier and requested us to follow him so that he could escort us to our rooms. 

"Sir, this is your room and ma'am, this one's is yours." he said opening the doors of our rooms which were opposite to each other. 

"Thank you!" I thanked him with a polite smile. He returned the smile and walked away from there. 

"Ms. Milburn, take rest for few hours. The meeting is in the afternoon on the 36th floor of this hotel. I will text you." he said and without even waiting for my reply, he entered into his room and shut the door.

"Okay, sir!" I said to no one , rolling my eyes and then I entered into my room. 

Oh my god! Is this room for real?

This room is almost as big as my apartment in London. 

This is the perks of being the personal assistant of the country's one of the richest CEO. 

I opened my luggage and took out some comfy woolen clothes and walked into the bathroom to take a long and relaxing warm shower to soothe my body. It only took one and a half hour to reach Switzerland from London in flight but because my period decided to knock at my doors yesterday morning, so my body feels a little tired. 

I took a long and relaxing shower and came out of the bathroom wearing my woolen knit white Pants, blouse and robe Kim Kardashian's SKIMS cozy collection. These are the best woolen clothes for winter and I am in love with this set. 

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