5. Three years later...

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Amber's P.O.V.:

"Yes, Mom, I've packed everything I'll need for the next three months. My clothes, the snacks you made, and all my other necessities are all set. Anything else?" I reassured my ever-worrying mother.

"I love you too, Mom. And Dad, you too! Now, I have to go... my flight is in 2 hours," I said before ending the call.

Today, I'm flying to London for my internship. It's the final semester of my master's degree, and based on my professors' recommendations, I applied to various companies for an internship. Fortunately, I was accepted at Laitier Corp., one of London's largest dairy product companies. They manufacture and distribute a wide range of dairy products, including chocolates, cottage cheese, butter, dairy beverages, yogurt, frozen desserts, ice cream, and other cultured dairy foods. Their most popular items are chocolates and cottage cheese, and they export their products worldwide. They're a major competitor to Nestlé. Landing an internship at such a prominent company is like a dream come true for me. I never imagined I'd have this opportunity. Speaking of Elsa, she joined her father's business in Manchester, and Oliver started working at his family's company in Liverpool. They're still together and going strong.

I arrived at the airport, and I had an hour before my flight. I decided to treat myself to a vanilla latte, which had become my favorite drink lately.

With my latte in hand, I found a nearby bench, sat down, and started scrolling through my phone while sipping my drink. Lost in my own world, I suddenly heard a familiar name, Chris.

I looked around anxiously, wondering if he could possibly be here. However, it turned out that Chris was just the name of a little boy who was running around with his mother chasing after him, calling his name.

For a brief moment, I thought it might be him. It's been three long years since I last laid eyes on him. After that fateful night, he left the university and disappeared from my life. The memories of that night are still crystal clear in my mind and etched in my heart. How could I ever forget the night my heart was shattered, leaving me utterly heartbroken?

3 years ago...

"Amber, so what did you think about what I said last night?" Mark asked, his voice tinged with nervousness.

I took a moment, considering his confession. "About your feelings..." I started, noticing his expectant gaze. "...I've thought it over, Mark. I don't think I can ever feel the same way about you. I don't have romantic feelings for you, and I don't want to lead you on with false hopes. It wouldn't be fair to you. I want you to let go of these feelings and find someone who will love you just as much as you love her. But that someone isn't me, Mark. I hope you understand."

I could see the sadness in his eyes, though he did his best to hide it behind a warm smile. That was Mark, always putting on a brave face.

"I had a feeling that might be your answer, but I had to try," he replied. "I'm glad you were honest with me. And I'm proud of you for that. I wish you all the best for your future."

As he continued, "Anyway, it's time for me to catch my flight. So I'll have to say goodbye. It's been great getting to know you." Mark hugged me, and I returned the gesture.

He bid farewell and left. I went back to my usual routine, but something had changed within me. I felt different, like a part of me was missing. I'd never experienced this emptiness before. Chris had left a void that I couldn't fill. Why did we always seem to fall for people who couldn't return our affections? Why couldn't I have fallen for Mark instead? Why do we girls always fall for the wrong guy?

One day, I was at the library reading a business magazine when Oliver came and sat beside me. He needed some help with his assignments, so I had called him to the library.

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