Chapter 1: Phase 1; Begin!

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Azur Lane Outpost Base

Commander's Office

It had been a week since Sora and his shipgirls had arrived at the Outpost. Since it was far away from any other base, there wasn't much action because it wasn't seen as a threat by the Sirens. Sora had relieved Enterprise of her secretary duties to give her time to get used to the new base along with the other girls.

A notification popped up on Sora's phone; he had received an email from the Admiral.

Commander Kaiyo,

The heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper is being reassigned to your base. She will arrive tomorrow. You might have a hard time dealing with her but I know you like a good challenge.

- Admiral

'Heh. That's just like him.' The message was short but that was all Sora needed. He had known the Admiral for years so this wasn't surprising. Sora already began to think about how to deal with Hipper. She was well known among commanders for being difficult to deal with because of her tsundere personality. Admiral Hipper was also well known for her strength, she had no problems defeating large amounts of mass produced Sirens in mere seconds. An idea popped into Sora's head.

'Belfast, please report to the commanders office. Belfast, please report to the commanders office. That is all.'

It didn't take long for her to get to the office. 'What do you need me for, commander?'

'Well, Belfast, Admiral Hipper has been assigned to our base. I assume you know about her.'

'Yes, commander. Most of us know about her.'

Sora smiled. 'Good, that means I have to explain less. I'll get straight to the point; I suspect Hipper isn't really a tsundere and that it's just an act.'

Belfast look a little surprised. 'What makes you say that?'

'It's just my gut feeling. Anyway, I want to find out if she really is a tsundere or not and if she is, I want to convince her to drop the act.'

'That's just like you, commander,' Belfast said with a smile.

'To achieve this, I have just thought of a plan. A two phase plan.'

'What is this plan, commander?'

'That's why I called for you. So the first phase will...' Sora informed Belfast about the plan and she agreed to help.

The next morning, Sora was at his desk working on the piles of paperwork like usual when there was a knock on the door.

'Come in!'

The door opened at a girl with long blonde hair and bright green eyes walked in. She was wearing the Ironblood uniform. The girl faced Sora and saluted him. 'Heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper. I have been reassigned to this base.'

Sora walked over to Hipper. 'Relax, I don't really like formalities.' He held out his hand. 'I'm Commander Sora Kaiyo. Nice to meet you, Admiral Hipper.' She looked away but still shook his hand. Sora returned to his desk. 'So, Hipper, please can you tell me why you've been transferred here?'

Sora couldn't believe what happened next. Hipper started crying. The mighty Admiral Hipper was crying. He jumped out of his chair and walked over to her. Belfast thought it was a good idea to leave the office at that specific point in time as the commander hugged Hipper, trying to comfort her. Once she realised that she was being hugged by Sora, the tsundere retaliated. She wanted to be left alone. She thought that she wanted to be left alone. Because of this, Hipper began attacking Sora; scratching, slapping and punching him but he just stood there.

Admiral Hipper's attacks quickly weakened until she just let Sora hug her. She cried into his shoulder for a while. When the tsundere had calmed down, she took a step backwards as she saw what she did to Sora. His left cheek had a massive scratch that was bleeding. Blood dripped from his nose and the right corner of his mouth. He was holding, almost cradling, his right shoulder.

Sora just smiled at her and said, 'I knew you were strong, but to beat me up this badly in just a few seconds without your rigging proves that.' Hipper was still shocked. She was slightly dizzy so she sat down on the couch that was against one of the office walls. Sora calmly walked behind his desk and pulled out the first-aid kit. He started patching up his cheek as he began talking to Hipper again. 'Now that you've calmed down, I'll ask you something else. Can you tell me about your previous commander?' He turned to Hipper and she was tearing up. 'U-uh, if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to.'

'N-no, it's fine. My previous commander abandoned me. He told me I was useless.' Sora looked surprised but didn't interrupt. 'I was taken to the Admiral and he assigned me to your base.'


Admiral Hipper was facing hundreds of mass-produced and regular Sirens. She was so badly damaged that she was barely afloat. There was no choice but to retreat. When she made it back to her base, her commander immediately began yelling at her.

'You useless excuse of a ship! I told you to stay out there, either win or die! But no, you just had to defy my orders and retreat!' Akagi was smirking at Hipper from her commander's side.

'I-I'm s-sorry comma-'

'I don't want to hear your apologies or excuses!' He dragged Hipper to the Admiral. 'This girl is useless! I don't want her anymore, send her somewhere else!' He stormed out of the Admiral's office, leaving Admiral Hipper behind.

-Flashback end-

Sora sat down next to Hipper, holding a tissue to his nose. 'I had an experience kinda like that last week. That's why I'm here.' The tsundere looked at him but he was staring at the opposite wall. 'My fellow commander, Akuma Kurosu, accused me of some things I didn't do, the Vice Admiral believed him and used that to try to get rid of me.' Hipper's eyes widened. Akuma Kurosu. She knew that name. Sora smiled at her. 'If it wasn't for the Admiral, I wouldn't be here. What's wrong Hipper?'

'Akuma Kurosu. I know that name. He was my previous commander.' Now Sora was angry. Not only did that filth try to get him fired, but he also treated Admiral Hipper appallingly before abandoning her. 'Commander, are you going to get revenge on Kurosu?'

'Huh?' This time it was Sora's turn to look at Hipper with wide eyes and the tsundere's turn to look at the wall. 'Um, I don't think I will.'


'It's just like that one wise old guy said a long time ago, 'Two wrongs don't make a right.' I don't think I would be satisfied with getting revenge on him either.' The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes before Sora started talking again. 'I have a plan Hipper. A plan to cure you of your tsundere act.'


'And a certain someone is going to help me with that. Come in, Belfast.'

'You knew I was there the whole time, didn't you commander.'

Admiral Hipper blushed. 'H-huh? What?'

Sora ignored Hipper. 'Well what can I say, I just have really keen senses. Anyway, I think it's about time we begin Phase 1.'

'As you wish, commander.'

Hipper was still confused.

The Betrayed Commander and The Abandoned Tsundere (Azur Lane: Origins 1)Where stories live. Discover now