Chapter 15: Date

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Sorry, I couldn't think of a good chapter cover

Takao was standing at the docks when Sora and Hipper returned. 'Welcome back. How was it?'

'It was so cool! They have bigger docks and a movie theatre-' Sora began.

'It was a projector in a briefing room. Not a movie theatre,' Hipper interrupted. She blushed once she had let the words 'movie theatre' out of her mouth.

Takao looked confused. 'Why are you blushing?'

'W-well... uh... S-sora-'

'I asked her out on a date.'

Hipper blushed even more. 'He said it way too confidently as well. Like 'Do you wanna go on a date to the movies?' Takao laughed at Hipper's accurate Sora impression. Sora, meanwhile, was slightly flustered.

'What? Is there something wrong with asking like that?'

'No. It's just like Admiral Hipper said; you asked way too confidently.'

'I know that!'

Sora then walked off more flustered than he was at the start of the conversation.

The next morning, Hipper spoke to Belfast. This was strange because they never really interacted very much.

'What do you need advice for?'

'W-well... Sora and I are going on a d-d-date tomorrow and...' Admiral Hipper trailed of, not really knowing what to say. However, Belfast understood.

'So you want some advice for your date! I'll gladly help. I guess we should start with what you're going to wear. Do you have anything in mind?'

'I don't really know... This, maybe?' Hipper gestured to the clothes she wore all the time.

'You can't wear that to a date; you wear it all the time.'

'But you asked me if I had anything in mind?'

'I thought you would think of wearing something else. We can figure that out later.'


'I'll get distracted. Anyway, if you're on a date you need to hold hands all the time, cuddle each other-' Belfast stopped when she saw Admiral Hipper blushing. 'I'm only teasing you.' The maid gave Hipper some more tips which I can't be bothered to think of because I'm tired. After the tips, they selected some clothes for Hipper which I won't spoil now.

Meanwhile, in the office...

'Why did you call me here, Sora?' The commander sat behind his desk with his hands... uh... You know how in TV shows people sit at desks intimidatingly with their hands like... Y'know... Anyway, Sora was sitting behind his desk apparently in deep thought until Cleveland entered the room.

'Ah, Clevebro- *ahem* Cleveland. I need your help with something.'

Cleveland was laughing as Sora resisted the urge to hide his face behind his hands in embarrassment. 'Let me get this straight,' she said, controlling herself. 'You asked Admiral Hipper on a date and you have absolutely no idea what to do on that date whatsoever.' Sora nodded. 'How do you not know? You do read romance manga and watch romance anime right? It'll be just like that.'

'But that's anime, this is real!'

Somehow, Cleveland contained her laughter. 'Well, what specific parts do you need help with?'

'The movie. I have no idea what we should watch.'

Cleveland couldn't help herself. 'You asked her on a date to the movies but you have no idea what to watch,' she somehow got out despite almost laughing her head off. Once again, Sora nodded and, once again, Cleveland contained her laughter. 'I think she wouldn't really mind as long as she's watching it with you. But she won't like it if it's a horror movie.'


'She's extremely bad with scary things. Moving on, do you know what you're going to wear?'

'Yep. This!' Sora held up a t-shirt and shorts. Cleveland laughed, again.

'Sora, you do know that it's winter, right?'

'Yes. Why?'

'Do you get cold?'


'Ah. That explains a lot.'

Cleveland managed to convince Sora that it he would stand out if he wore a t-shirt and shorts in the middle of winter and that he should wear jeans instead of shorts and a jumper over the shirt.

The next day, Sora was waiting for Admiral Hipper at the docks so they could head to the mainland. He heard footsteps behind him and turned around. The commander was speechless. Hipper stood a couple of metres away wearing a simple red dress. It was simple but perfect at the same time.

'So, how do I look?' Hipper spun in a circle.

Sora managed only one word. 'Beautiful.'

A/N: I'm a little surprised that I can still update kind of daily-ish. I have a couple of essay drafts for assessment for two subjects due at the end of the week that I should probably start instead of writing this. Yep. Should go and do that now.

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