Chapter 30: The Betrayed Commander and The Abandoned Tsundere

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It had been several years since Sora and Admiral Hipper started dating. The whole time, they had continued to live at the Outpost. Nothing eventful had happened since the Chie Flower incident and, slowly, all the other shipgirls had left the Outpost. Now they live there with just enough staff to keep the place running.

Now, the two of them were sitting on the bench in the clearing on the cliff, just relaxing. 'You know, it's been a long journey to get to this point,' said the commander.

'Yeah. Just sitting here, not another shipgirl in sight.'

The sun had just set and they began walking to the cafeteria for dinner. 'Hipper?'


'Please can you meet me here at sunset tomorrow?'


'You'll find out.'

Cleveland had left several weeks ago so now Sora had no one to ask for advice. Because of this, he put the 'man pants' on and decided this was the time.

Hipper met Sora at sunset the following day, just as he requested. Once again, they were sitting on the bench. Admiral Hipper could tell something was on his mind. She also saw something in his pocket, but couldn't tell what it was.

Sora, now very nervous, tried to keep his 'man pants' on but they kept nearly falling off. Deciding that further hesitation would lead to more nervousness, began his one, final plan.

The commander gulped and reached into his pocket just as Hipper got distracted by a random bird. Thanking the bird in his mind, Sora hid the thing he had taken out of his pocket behind his back. He stepped in front of Hipper, forcing her to not be distracted by random birds.

Admiral Hipper had suspicions of what Sora was going to do the moment he knelt down in front of her. The commander took the thing out from behind his back and held it out towards Hipper.

'Admiral Hipper, will you marry me?' Sora asked as he opened the navy blue box to reveal a ring.

Hipper gasped. She was speechless. 'C'mon,' Sora pestered her. 'Don't make me more nervous than I already am.' She laughed

'Sorry, I'm just... lost for words right now. Yes, Sora. I'll marry you.'


A/N: I know that this chapter was shorter than the others but that doesn't matter! The story is over. The adventure has ended. For reals this time. I hope you have enjoyed reading my very first published story ever- not just on Wattpad, ever.

The Betrayed Commander and The Abandoned Tsundere (Azur Lane: Origins 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن