Chapter 27: Christmas

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There was a lot of hype at the Outpost. Everyone was excited until the day before Christmas when almost everyone was excited. Except for Admiral Hipper, who had just learned that Sora spends Christmas with his family, away from the Outpost.

The now sad Admiral Hipper was on her way to her room to be sad and do related sad things. Yes, I just used 'sad' three times in one sentence, it was intentional. Anyway, Hipper was just about to open the common room door when she heard Sora's voice.

'... I'm not going to be spending Christmas with you guys this year. I have someone... special to me that I want to spend it with.' There was a pause as the person who Sora was calling spoke. 'Yes, I have a girlfriend and no, I won't bring her over right now. I might be able to sometime next year.' Another pause. 'Yep. Bye.'

As the commander ended the call, Hipper walked in. Sora turned around just in time for Hipper to jump at and hug him. 'Hey, is anything wrong?'

'Nope. I'm fine.'

The following morning, the hype levels had doubled. Everyone rode the Hype Train to the Christmas tree in the common room. Surprisingly, no one rushed forwards to grab at the presents and find their own. They all just waited patiently murmuring to each other, 'go on, you do it', until Belfast stepped up to the tree and began handing out the presents.

Whether it was intentional or a coincident, when there were only two presents left under the tree, a small box and a lumpy disk, only Sora and Hipper were left without a present. Belfast handed the presents to their respective receivers. Admiral Hipper and the commander watched each other, waiting for the other to unwrap their present so they didn't miss the reaction. When Hipper hadn't opened her present, Sora opened his.

'Yes! Thank you so much, Hipper!' A very happy Sora held up a brand new commander's hat. His original had been blasted out of existence by Arbiter way back in chapter 7. He put the hat on as he watched Hipper unwrap her present.

A navy blue box rested in Hipper's hands. She opened it at pulled out not a ring like probably a lot of you may have been expecting, but a necklace. The necklace had a gold chain with a bright green jewel in the middle. 'It's so pretty. Thank you, Sora.' Hipper didn't express her gratitude with a large amount of energy and excitement like the commander had but he could tell she was thankful.

Everyone was sitting in the common room, talking about the day that had just passed. Slowly, almost all those present left to go to bed except for Sora and Hipper, who were still wearing their presents. It was getting late when the commander stood up. 'It's getting late so I'll go to bed now.' He started walking down the hallway to his room when he stopped and turned around. 'And thanks, once again. Goodnight.'

Hipper also began walking to her room but before she did she called. 'Thanks, as well. Goodnight.'

The Betrayed Commander and The Abandoned Tsundere (Azur Lane: Origins 1)Where stories live. Discover now