Chapter 10: The Coward Commander and The Loyal Yandere

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Sora received a message from the Admiral. It had been a week since he had returned to the Outpost. Anyway, he just so happened to be sitting at his desk in his office, so he knew he had it as soon as he received it. The message read:

Commander Sora Kaiyo,

Our scout planes have found Akuma and Akagi at one of our old, abandoned bases. We presume they are resting before continuing their escape.

I propose that you handle their capture and interrogation. Please respond with your answer within twenty-four hours or we will handle it.

- Admiral

The commander called Hipper to his office. Moments later, there was a knock on the door. 'What do you need, Comma- I mean, Sora?' She hadn't quite gotten used to calling me by my first name yet.

'Well, we have received intel from the Admiral. More precisely, the exact location of Kurosu and Akagi. The Admiral wants to know if we want to handle their capture and interrogation. You in, Hipper?'

Admiral Hipper had a determined look on her face. 'You bet I am. It's revenge time.' She looked excited.

'Alright, I'll reply to the Admiral's message then we can head out.' Sora did as he said and the two of them walked down to the docks. 'You ready?' Hipper nodded. 'Then let's go!'

'Remember to be careful with your leg and arm, Sora.'

'Oh, yeah. I nearly forgot about that. I'll only use my rigging to get there and back, I'm assuming you can handle the capture part.'

'I'll try.' They set off for the abandoned base.

Just before they arrived, Sora hid on a nearby island as Hipper continued on to the base. Admiral Hipper was immediately creeped out upon setting foot inside the base compound. It felt like something out of a horror movie. After wondering around for a bit, she saw an orange glow coming from what once was a cafeteria.

Following the glow was a good idea, as Hipper looked into a smashed out window and saw the source of the light. Kurosu and Akagi were sleeping next to a fire. Using her home-grown ninja techniques that she didn't even have, Hipper tiptoed inside the building. On her way to the fire, she grabbed to bits of cloth from a dust covered table.

Hipper approached Akagi first and carefully tied one piece of cloth around her mouth. The aircraft carrier remained fast asleep. After repeating the process for Akuma, Hipper found some ropes and tied their arms by their sides and bound their ankles. She walked out and retrieved a radio from her pocket. 'Commander Sora, this is Admiral Hipper. Both targets have been secured.'

'Roger that, Admiral Hipper. I'll send a message to the Admiral and help you bring those two to the main base.'

A few minutes later, Sora walked into the abandoned building. 'We should probably extinguish that fire,' he said as he walked outside again to grab a handful of dirt to dump on the fire. Hipper copied him and when the fire was out, they picked up their prisoners and carried them back to the main base.

The next day, Akagi woke up. She was confused because upon opening her eyes, she was greeted with a blinding light. As her eyes adjusted, a male voice spoke to her from a few metres away. 'Ah, so you're finally awake.' Akagi realised she was strapped to a chair and resisted aggressively. 'Whoa, whoa, calm down. Resistance is futile, those chains won't break.' She couldn't speak. Her eyes finally adjust to reveal that she was sitting chained to a chair in the middle of a grey room. Sora was sitting in the corner.

'Why, you little!' Akagi was interrupted.

'C'mon, calm down. We're not gonna hurt you.' Sora turned his head towards the door, which was directly in front of Akagi. 'Come in guys, she's awake.' The door swung open with the squealing of metal on metal. The Admiral walked in, followed by Hipper. Akagi growled at Hipper, who was not intimidated in the slightest.

'Well then, Akagi. Shall we begin?' She was confused by the Admiral's question. 'Take it away, Sora.'

'Sorry, Admiral, but I'm not interested in revenge, interrogation or that kind of thing but I know Hipper is desperate to get back at Akagi and her 'commander'.'

'Alright, Sora, if you say so. Take it away, Admiral Hipper.'

Hipper interrogated Akagi for the next hour and she seemed to enjoy every bit of it. Eventually, the carrier told them about Akuma's escape plan and why he wanted to run away.

'Well, that was nice.'


'Yeah. It felt good to let out all my frustration and anger on her.'

Sora and Hipper were making their way to the cafeteria for dinner. After the interrogation, they returned to the Outpost. By the time they got back, dinner was about to be served.

'What frustration and anger?'

'That's... a difficult question. I might tell you another day but right now, I'm starving!'

'Heh. Race to see who gets to the cafeteria first?'


'The loser has to do what the winner says for a whole day.'

'You're on- wait a minute. Sora, you can't run with your condition, remember?'

'Oh, yeah. Whoops.' They laughed as they continued to walk to the cafeteria.

The Betrayed Commander and The Abandoned Tsundere (Azur Lane: Origins 1)Where stories live. Discover now