Ten || As You Wish, Darling

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I have been sitting on my bed for nearly 2 hours. I didn't understand why he was treating this like it is no big deal. It is, I mean only two and half hours ago I woke up next to James.

My roommate.
My old classmate.
The self-centred prick, who is sitting on his ass in the living room.

My god, I am so hungry and I can sense that James ordered food just to lure me out of my bedroom. I drag myself off my bed and open my door quietly and creep down the hallway with my phone in my hand. I peek my head around the corner and I see James eating pizza in front of the T.V. I can't tell what he is watching, but who cares? It dosen't matter.

"I don't see the point in creeping around the apartment, Vena" a voice speaks.
It takes me a minute to figure out exactly where that voice came from. I thought it was the voice inside my head, but I guess it is the voice outside my head. Also known as James.

I walk out around the corner and walk to the couch and just as I was thinking about sitting down, I remembered that it was this couch that I slept with James on.

You didn't really sleep with him.

Those words ran through my mind.

I finally sit down on the couch because this is my apartment and this is my couch. Not his.

I sit down on the warm leather and I glance at the T.V. He's watching How I Met Your Mother, I love that show.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He glances at me and then back at the screen, "I know that is what you are thinking about" He assumes.

I scoff, "As if you know what I am thinking, let me tell you something James, you would be the last person I would be thinking about" I glare at him.

He shrugs at my insult like it didn't hurt him. God dammit, I take pride in my insults, and he just lets them roll off his back like it is nothing.

"I don't know why you are getting so worked up about this, Ven" He says.

I think he forgot how to say my name. "It's Vena" I say. I cross my arms over my chest. "Okay, Ven" He smirks.

"Listen James, I was thinking maybe we could make a deal" I say glancing at him.

His perks up and he turns my way. "What may this deal be?" He raises his eyebrow.

"If you would just hold on, I will tell you" I say.

He puts his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay okay, carry on" He urges me.

"Okay, So, I was thinking that if you keep your mouth shut about last night then I will let you make one new rule" I say.

He laughs, "That's terrible. I have a better idea. How about you sleep with me and I will keep my mouth shut" He smirks.

Did I hear him right? Did he say that he wants to sleep with me? Did he just blackmail me? What the hell just happened.

"Excuse me?" I blurt out.

He smirks, "I'm kidding, Vena. I just thought you needing some more traumatizing experiences --even though I know alot of people who would love to be in that position me" He states.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. Cocky son of a bitch.

I rest my head against the back of the couch, suddenly James speaks up. "Why were you so mad that we slept together?" He asks randomly.

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