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A/N this is a long one so get ready !
And I suggest playing your favorite sad playlist, if you like to get deeper into the mood ;)

The forceful rest that had fallen upon Anne had not lasted long. Her mind flurrying with the worst possible outcome to her current situation. She tried desperately to hold onto hope, like the doctors said, Matthew could be much improved by the time he came out of this strenuous surgery, but the possibility of him not improving proved to take hold of her thoughts completely.

Anne watched as Marilla approached from the hospital cafeteria, carrying two cups of coffee and a pair of small muffins. Her expression was blank, emotionless. Her skin was tinted grey, her lips formed in a tight line. Anne knew Marilla was unfathomably worried for her weak brother, but the ever stubborn woman hid her concern behind a blank expression.

Handing her a muffin and warm mug, marilla wondered where Gilbert had gone, knowing that it was very uncharacteristic of him to leave Anne alone at all, let alone during a time like this.

"Where's your Blythe boy?" Marilla questioned, face still stern and flat as ever

Anne sighed wishing she was still cuddled into his arms, "Visiting hours were over. The nurse took him." She fidgeted with the diamond that sat upon her milky finger. The certainty of him being eternally hers soothed her aching mind.
"Anything new with Matthew?"

She got a small shake of the head as a response before Marilla questioned Anne further about her dear fiancé.

"You love this boy a lot?" Marilla asked, trying to change the subject, desperate to not let Anne see the worry that was overwhelming her. A part of her truly wanted to know, having not had a proper conversation about their engagement yet, and knowing so little about the boy himself, besides the fact that he had been incredibly kind and gentlemanly during the many times she had had made small talk with him while he waited for Anne to be ready for a date or an outing. She knew the two had been pinning over each other since grade school and was quite excited to see that pair had finally found each other after all this time, and wanted to know every detail.

Sensing her attempt at changing the subject and genuine curiosity, Anne obliged, "Oh Marilla, I love him more then anything. Sometimes it troubles me how much I can truly love one person. Of course I love you and Matthew with every beat of my heart, but this love is far different then one of family and friends. It is quite overwhelming at times, I used to think I could never be a wife, not even in my wildest imagination, and now I would be perfectly content if I was solely his wife for the rest of my time on this earth." She smiled fondly imagining what her life will be like when she finally gets to spend all of her time with her greatest love. The image of him twirling her around the kitchen and them snuggled on the couch with a good book brought a sudden warmth to her soul, and her heart threatened to burst with love for her hazel eyed boy.

A small smiled escaped Marilla's lips as her face softened with joy, knowing that Anne had found such an incredible 'lifemate' as she called it. "Have you talked much about the wedding?" She wondered out loud

"Not exactly, seeing as I've been helping with Matthew and he has been, well in New York, we haven't had much spare time to discuss it. If it were up solely to us I imagine we would've ran off and gotten married a while ago" she laughed softly, but upon noticing Marilla's eyes go wide she quickly explained herself "no no, don't worry, we would never actually, it would be a shame to not have a wedding and i am almost positive Diana and Cole would kill me, seeing as they've practically been planing it since the day I hit gil over the head with my slate" she giggled.

Talking about her future—more specifically, future with Gilbert— lifted the weight of her deep worry for Matthew off her shoulders slightly allowing her to think properly.

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