Chapter 3: Living With The Wests

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Start Video at :43 Mark (can't say the quality of video is very good, but the point of it should get across)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or plot lines shown in the scenes.



Joe walks into his house with his arm around Barry to find a young Iris West at the top of the stairs.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Joe asks his daughter.

"I was waiting for you to bring Barry home." Iris replies.

"Awwww!" Caitlin and Cisco cooed at the same time, causing Iris and Barry to blush. The New Directions looked confused because the "Barry" they knew was the confident and snarky Sebastian Smythe.

"Well it looks like he'll be staying with us for awhile." Joe looks down at Barry, then back up at Iris. "Can you show him the guest room, sweetheart?"

"What about Paris?" Blaine asked.

"That's coming up." Barry replied quietly.

Iris walks down the stairs to where Barry is. Barry looks up at Joe.

"You'll be okay son," Joe reassures him. "Go ahead."

"Come on Barry," Iris says as she holds out her hand, which Barry takes and he takes a step and looks into Iris' eyes.

"Iris... my dad, he didn't do it."

"I believe you," Iris tells him. "C'mon."

Barry and Iris walk up the stairs as Joe looks at the pair.

The scene changes to Iris and Barry on the couch with Barry's head on Iris's lap, with Iris' hand combing through his hair.

"Awwww!" Caitlin and Cisco cooed at the same time again, causing Iris and Barry to blush even harder.

The scene changes again to Barry running on the sidewalk when a police car swerves ahead of him. Joe comes out of the car with a disapproving glare as Barry looks back at him exasperated and sighs in defeat.

"Where were you trying to go?" Rachel asked.


Everyone gave him questioning looks, not fully understanding what he had meant.

The scene switches back to Joe and Iris' house as Joe walks back in with Barry right behind him.

"Hey Iris," Joe says.

"Did Barry run away again?" Iris asks as Barry drops his bright red backpack on the floor and runs over to the couch, flopping down.

"Unless that's one of your homework questions, little lady, it's none of your business." Joe replies, "go on back to your room."

Iris runs back up the stairs to her room as Barry declares, "I want to see my dad."

"I already said no Barry," Joe says as he walks around the other side of the couch Barry sits on.

"He didn't do those things. He didn't hurt my mom." Barry begs. "I was there that night. I saw... there was a man."

Joe moves to stand across from Barry. "Yeah, I know, we've gone through this already."

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