Authors Note

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Okay, so with everything that's been going on with my personal life and school I haven't had the time to watch the next episode, thus I haven't been able to write a new chapter. So unfortunately, there won't be a new chapter probably this month, I'll try and get it out by December, but no promises since I can only write over the weekends when I'm not doing stuff with my family.

If I don't put a chapter out by December I might put this on hiatus just so I can maybe binge watch all of season 1 of the Flash and then only write out the important parts that are needed for defeating Thawne at the end of the season. During this time I might also edit the beginning chapters.

Also, at the end of the season I've going to be removing some characters because right now there are so many and a lot of them aren't getting speaking parts or doing anything else. They also didn't meet Marley/Kara, so they've seen that Barry/Sebastian has changed. This would be characters like Dave Karofsky, Sugar Motta, and probably Wes and David. And then I'll be adding like 3 characters that I have to do with Kara's family like her mom (Alura), Clark/Kal-el, and Lois Lane at the end of the season right before season 2 of the Flash starts. If there are any characters you want me to take out or add let me know.

Thanks for understanding you guys!

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