Chapter 6: Meeting Wes and Kurt

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A/N: This chapter has a mix of my scenes and clips from the actual TV show and it is also so freaking long! But I didn't expect this to be finished so quickly. Thanks for waiting and reading!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but the scenes I create. All credit goes to the CW, DC, and FOX

Previously: "'Now that that's covered, let's watch Sebastian meeting one Kurt Hummel' The Ceiling Voice interjected before another conversation could start up. Everyone sighed and Barry prepared himself for all the dirty looks that he would get and the protests from Joe and Singh."

The screen lights up to Wes walking down the halls of Dalton where the Warblers are meeting. He eyes the room looking at the new members that joined and the old members that were his family. At this point, Trent shouts, "Wes!"

Everyone gets up and moves to catch up with their old captain. However, Sebastian moved through the crowd and came up to Wes, sticking out his hand, "Sebastian Smythe, I hear you're Wes and the former Captain of The Warblers."

"Were you flirting with him?" Blaine asked with a chuckle.

"Nope, I'm just nice, I wasn't actually flirting with you either Blaine. You know those Dalton jokes right?" Sebastian tells him and Blaine only nods, while Kurt looks confused.

"That's me." Wes replies back and laughs. He then tells the rest of the Warblers, "now stop clamoring over me and get rehearsing while I talk to David and Thad."

Sebastian leads the others away from Wes and they start to practice the vocals for "Uptown Girl" with Nick as the lead.

"Hey Wes." Thad said.

"Good to see you again man." David added.

Wes only nodded and asked, "how's the council?"

"We haven't gotten a third member yet because there are so many choices." Thad answered.

"How long were you guys without a third member?" Hunter asked.

"Like a good month and a half," Thad answered.

"And who are those choices?"

"Jeff Sterling, Nick Duval, and Trent Nixon." David answered. (A/N: I think those last names are right).

"They're all good choices but Jeff and Nick work better together, not separately and we can't have four people on the council. Trent, while he's good, he sometimes lacks the backbone for leadership the council needs."

"Hey!" Trent cried out.

"Sorry, but it's true." Wes told him, shrugging his shoulders.

"Exactly, so we don't know who to pick, any suggestions?" Thad asked.

Wes looked over to where Sebastian was leading the vocals, "how about that new kid, Sebastian Smythe. I don't know him, but I could talk to him. Just by looking at him he already is a natural leader and has the respect of the other Warblers, which is what you guys need."

David and Thad looked to each other and nodded their heads in agreement, Sebastian Smythe would be the most likely candidate to be the third council member.

The scene changes again to Sebastian and Wes standing together in the library after Warbler practice is over.

"So Sebastian, what brought you to Dalton?" Wes asked politely.

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