Chapter 8: Regionals

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Disclaimer: I own nothing, but the scenes I create. All rights go to CW, DC, and FOX

A/N: There are mentions of suicide and self-harm (in the form of not eating) in this chapter.

Previously: "Everyone grabbed their food and sat together, talking about what they had just seen. Some couldn't believe that their nice Barry could be so, well mean. While others totally believed it, knowing what happened with Bivolo and knowing him in the past. After dinner and of course dessert, they all said their 'good nights' and went to bed."


Everyone woke up the next morning due to the group of superheroes waking up first and talking loudly as they waited for food to appear. Once everyone had gotten up though, food appeared in the back of the theater just as it always had for the other meals. Getting up from their spots on the ground, the group of superheroes (specifically Jesse, Wally, Kara, Barry) got to the food first. Once everyone was awake and aware was going on, they all sat down with their food to watch the next set of clips.

The screen showed Rachel and Kurt at the Lima Bean over wedding magazines and discussing wedding dresses and plans when Sebastian approaches them.

"Aren't you guys a little young to get married?" Joe asked.

"My thoughts exactly," Barry agreed.

Rachel and Finn just blushed, embarrassed, "well we just thought we'd end up together, but then the wedding was postponed because of Quinn's accident and then we broke up once Finn went into the military and I went to New York, but we're happily married right now. But, yeah we were a bit young."

"I think internally, we knew that we'd end up together, but yeah deciding to marry that young was a bad decision because we had to live our lives separately before anything else," Finn continued.

"Wait what happened to Quinn?" Barry asked.

"On the way to Rachel and Finn's wedding, I looked at my phone and got hit by a truck. I then became paralyzed, but after months of Physical Therapy I was able to be on my feet again." Quinn answered before anyone else can, "and Rachel stop blaming yourself, I don't blame you."


"But nothing," Quinn said kindly.

"Ouch," Barry said in response, "I know how that feels."

"How? You've never been paralyzed. You've never been confined to a chair." Artie said bitterly.

"Actually I have. Remember about two or so years ago there was that other speedster, Zoom. I got tossed around, he broke my back, and then I had to stop being the Flash, sit in the chair my mother's murderer sat in, and yeah, I didn't have to deal with it for years, but when I'm so used to running around the city, saving and helping people... I hated it. The only reason I ended up healing fully was because of my advanced and quick healing from my powers." Barry said.

"Sorry, I forgot for a second," Artie replied apologetically.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't a young Barbra Streisand and an old Betty White. Where is Gay Cyclops? Still trying to stumble his way in?" Sebastian mockingly looks around for Blaine.

"Okay, I know that wasn't very nice," Barry said, putting his hands up in mock surrender.

Joe just chuckled and said, "no, well yeah that wasn't nice, but I'm just remembering that incident with Dr. Light and you went on a literal blind date."

When The Truth Comes Out: Watching Their Lives - A Glee and Arrowverse CrossoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz