Chapter 10: Sectionals

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything, but the scenes I create. Characters and plot lines are owned by CW, DC, and FOX.

A/N: I can't believe that this has gotten 1k reads, I didn't expect this at all especially this is my first time writing a story or fanfic. Thanks for reading and enjoy this chapter.

Previously: "Barry turned to look at Hunter, worried for his old friend, and gave him a small reassuring smile. Everyone then got up and stretched before waiting for the next scene to start."


The screen lights up again, showing Hunter making a smoothie, while Sebastian is not in the room. From underneath his bed, he takes out a vial and pours some of the clear liquid into the smoothie.

"You drugged my son?" Joe asked sternly to Hunter, who curled into himself and looked down in shame.

"Joe, it's fine. I got over it and Hunter himself wasn't in his right mind. Anyways, I should've been more careful as well," Barry defended.

Sebastian then steps out of the bathroom and Hunter hands him the smoothies, before going into the bathroom himself.

The scene changes Hunter in the library, facing all of the Warblers, except for Sebastian, who isn't in the room. He holds up a vial, similar to the one he used in Sebastian's smoothie. "This is a dosage of human growth hormones (A/N: I think this is what the Warblers use, but I'm not sure), basically steroids. This is also how we'll beat the New Directions in Sectionals. Starting from today we train everyday and take a dosage of this once a week (A/N: I also don't know if this is how it works). If you don't comply, you're off the Warblers and one Warbler Sebastian will be unleashed on all of you. Objections?"

"What the hell, man?" Barry asked Hunter, anger lacing his voice, "you used me against them?"

Hunter only nodded in response, ashamed for his past actions.

Barry continued on, "so, this is why Nick was so mad at me that year."

Hunter only nodded again, "there is nothing I can say or do to make up for what I did to all of you."

"I thought that you were with Hunter on this plan, so it hurt a lot because everyone was in pain, except for the two of you. It also didn't help that you didn't know that you were being drugged," Nick spoke up, "I'm sorry for assuming that and for being so mad and-"

"You don't expect me to apologize for what I did in those two years, so you don't have to apologize either. We're all good. Including you, Hunter. Once a Warbler, Always a Warbler, we're still friends, family, brothers. Even if we don't always get along and have our conflicts, we'll always come together again," Barry says, interrupting what Nick was about to say.

"Damn, Barry. Are your pep talks always that good?" Felicity asked, jokingly, slightly brightening the mood.

Everyone's too scared to say anything, especially since Sebastian is in on this, so no one objects.

"Then, everyone line up, we start today."

The scene changes again to all the Warblers, but Trent and a few other Warblers, deciding on what to do for Sectionals.

"Alright! Let's stop arguing and think about how we should approach this, we'll break it down. We need at least two songs, so at least two soloists, and choreography to match with each song. So as Captain I'll take one solo and let's vote on who should get the second. Any suggestions?" Hunter shouts.

"I'd like to vote for Warbler Sebastian," Jeff says.

"Why'd you vote for me? I thought you guys were mad at me?" Barry asked.

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