Chapter 16: The Beginning of the Flash (Pilot)

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  First Thing: I have new cover idea... should I replace the one that I have now or just leave it as it is?

 should I replace the one that I have now or just leave it as it is?

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Disclaimer: Again, I don't own anything (do i really have to keep putting this?)
A/N: Okay, so I finally finished this chapter, sorry it's so late, but it's super long. Obviously I've changed some of the dialogue to fit the situation. And like the two previous chapters, I will basically do the same thing, where I watch the entire episode. The next chapter will just be important clips and possibly the full episode 4 because it's a "crossover." And yes, I know that the image above is from episode 20, but it fits really well here, so yeah... Again sorry this is so late, but enjoy!


Previously: "Okay... Before the two of you start to spoil anything else, let's move on!" The Ceiling Voice cheered. "On to the next clip!"


"So, what exactly is this supposed to be about?" Artie asked.

"Right," The Ceiling Voice chuckled, "Barry in Central City and then getting struck by lightning of course!"

"Right..." Artie nodded.

"Let's just watch," Barry sighed.

(For this literally skip the first 2 minutes because it's already been gone over in the first couple of chapters)

The screen lights up to Barry in his signature black converses running down a street, holding a black and silver case around his shoulder, breathing hard and bumping into multiple people. It transitions to outside an old building, yellow tape around, police cars parked around the area, civilians and police officers walking around the scene.

"Second robbery this week," Chyre says.

Captain Singh, Iris, Joe, and Barry all looked down sadly at their old friend and coworker. Iris leaned into Barry's arms as he kissed the top of her head. Cecile wrapped her arms around Joe and pressed her cheek to his shoulder.

"The teller I.D.'d Clyde Mardon as the shooter," Joe tells Chyre, his partner as they walk out the building.

"What?" Chyre asks in disbelief. "Oh, jeez, the Mardon Brothers are back?"

"Who are the Mardon Brothers?" Kurt asked.

"A set of brothers with the last name Mardon," Cisco answered with a "duh" kind of tone.

"Well, no duh, but who are they?" Kurt asked.

"Clyde and Mark Mardon, a pair of criminal brothers who rob banks and killed a bunch of people," Captain Singh answered.

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