Chapter 4: The Smythes

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or plot lines shown in the scenes.

A/N: I created the "scenes" shown in this chapter as it is canon divergent. Let me know if it is any good.

The "next morning" everyone woke up to a shrill alarm and the ceiling voice calling out that it was time for breakfast. Everyone groaned, and slowly got out of their rooms to find an entire buffet set out for them.

"These next clips introduce Sebastian Smythe... enjoy." The Ceiling Voice announced.

Getting seated with their food, everyone prepared themselves for the next set of clips.

The scene started out in the hospital. Iris was at the side of the bed, holding the person in it's hand. He's unrecognizable. His face was black and blue, with splotches of dried blood. His arm was in a cast and there were bags under his eyes. Joe comes in and sits at the other side of the bed. Slowly, the boy's eyes open.

"BARRY!" Iris shrieks.

"Bassy, that's you?" Trent asked nervously, still a little intimidated by his former Captain.

"Yeah. That was one of the worse ones." Barry/Sebastian replied.

"You're alive! I was so worried. You didn't show up at the front of the school and then I saw Tony and his goonies..."

Barry only groaned in response and shut his eyes again. Joe dimmed the lights and made a shushing motion with his finger as he left the room so Barry and Iris could talk.

"Sorry," Iris says meekly.

"It's... fine." Barry weekly responded.

"What happened?"



"He did the normal thing. Slamming me into a locker, punching me, the usual."

"That's normal?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, it didn't use to be that bad, but once my dad was put in prison, well you see." Barry replied as his teammates looked at him with worry.

"Barry... this isn't 'the usual,' this is worse. Your arm is broken, and so is your nose. We found you behind the bleachers... You flatlined at least once. And you've been asleep for 3 days. 3. Whole. Freaking. Days I've been without my best friend," Iris rambled.

"3 days? Dang, that's pretty bad." Wes said.

"Not as bad as 9 months or flatlining multiple times." Barry muttered under his breath so only Iris heard, who then rubbed his back.

"Okay, so maybe it wasn't 'the usual,' but Iris I'm still here I'm fine."

Everyone raised an eyebrow at that knowing that he wasn't "fine."

"Dad's thinking about having you move to your uncle's house." Iris looked down, worried about losing her best friend.

"Uncle Declan?"

"Yeah. And his wife, Camille."

"Isn't he a lawyer?"

Iris only nodded.

"Isn't he the lawyer who got my dad put away?"

Iris only nodded again.

"No. No. No. I'm not going anywhere with him if he thinks dad killed mom."

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