Chapter 15: Heroes Part 1

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Disclaimer: I own nothing, but the stuff I create. Plots, characters, places, etc. all belong to their respective owners.

A/N: For this chapter I decided to, one: just watch the episode that these clips took place (Arrow Season 2 episode 8 - The Scientist), however I couldn't find a youtube video for all of them. Thus, somethings might not line up completely. I might do this with other chapters just because that chapter focuses heavily on a specific episode (like the crossovers, the pilot, etc.). And two: split this chapter into two parts because it was getting really long (so the second part will be on Arrow Season 2 episode 9 - Three Ghosts). Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


Previously: "Well, I've taken the liberty of finding out your favorites, so you guys can continue watching while eating instead of taking the time to grab food!" The Ceiling Voice exclaimed as plates of food appeared on people's laps. "Next up, we skip to a few years in the future when Mr. Allen meets Mr. Queen."

"Oh dear," Barry muttered.


"First of a bit of background on Mr. Queen: he went onto the Queen's Gambit with his father and Ms. Lance, while he was dating her sister, Laurel. Malcolm Merlyn caused them to be shipwrecked and Mr. Queen's father killed himself in order for his son to survive. For five years he grew stronger and trained to fulfill his father's mission, which consisted of taking down the people in The List, who were responsible for making a plan to destroy the Glades. In his first year back, he became a vigilante known as the Hood. He slowly took down the people in his list. However, by the end of the first year, the earthquake machine destroyed the Glades, causing the death of 503 people, including Tommy Merlyn. Mr. Queen's mother went to prison for admitting to taking part in this plan. He went back to Lian Yu for a few months, until Ms. Smoak and Mr. Diggle found him and brought him back. He then became the Arrow and found out that Ms. Lance was still alive and became the vigilante known as the Canary after training with the League of Assassins. On the island, Mr. Queen and Ms. Lance was reunited for a short while and along with their two allies: Shado and Slade Wilson, found a serum known as Mirakuru, which could save people's lives, knowing this, we shall watch this next set of clips," The Ceiling Voice explained before the screen lit up again.

The screen shows Oliver and another woman having a conversation,

"... Oliver, stop thinking like a son, and start thinking like a CEO," the woman tells him before walking away. Oliver glaring at her when Diggle and Felicity walk up from behind.

"B*tch," Sara growled.

"Who's that?" Kurt asked.

"That evil coworker we were talking about earlier that was killed by Sara's ex, or Nyssa al Ghul, heir to the Demon, except the League has been disbanded now, right?" Oliver explained.

"Yep, thank goodness for that. And most of the Lazarus Pits have been destroyed," Thea confirmed while Roy nodded in agreement.

"What are the Lazarus Pits?" Tina asked.

"There's more than one?" Sara asked at the same time.

"Yes, there are more than one. Roy, Nyssa, and I have been travelling the world trying to destroy them all. And the Lazarus Pits are like giant tubs filled with magical water that can bring people back to life, but at a cost you have an urge to kill, a bloodlust essentially," Thea explained. "It's what brought me and Sara back to life. Well, Sara the first time."

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