Chapter 19: Continuing The Journey Part 1 (Plastique)

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A/N: Okay, I'm so sorry that this is so late, school's been stressful and I've had other things come up. Also note that this chapter was supposed to be three episodes long, but right now it's only going to be one episode long (and pretty short), I might post the other two episodes one at a time or if I have the time, post them at the same time it all kind of depends, but thank you for all being so patient with me. This chapter will cover the events of Season 1 Episode 5 of The Flash: Plastique. Also note that I couldn't find clips for everything, but I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Previously: "The next few clips will go be a sort of montage of the few weeks that came after this!" The Ceiling Voice announced once everyone had dug in.


(Stop at 0:42)

The screen lights up to a bar. Iris and Eddie are playing darts while Cisco and Caitlin watch. Barry then approaches with a tray of shots, "guys, I have a problem."

Caitlin turns around to face Barry as Cisco continues to watch the couple, sipping his beer, "we all do when guys like him exist."

Iris chuckled lightly, a ghost of a smile gracing her face.

Caitlin turns to face the couple as Barry looks up at them. Barry and Iris high five as Caitlin sighs, "yeah. He's so hot." Caitlin slowly turns back to Barry and Cisco in horror, realizing what she just said, "uh - I mean, genetically speaking, because I'm a geneticist, of course. Oh my god, do I sound like Felicity?"

"Yes," Barry, Cisco, Harry, Iris, and even Felicity nodded in confirmation.

"I'm not talking about Eddie. I'm talking about this." Barry speed drinks all of the shots in front of him. "I can't feel anything."

"That's usually what happens when you drink that much so fast," Puck frowned.

"Hypermetabolism," Team Flash said together.

"Right, you say that like I'm supposed to know what that means," Puck countered.

"Okay, so you know how I have to eat around 10,000 calories per day?" Barry asked and Puck nodded. "It's because my body processes food and basically everything else at a different rate then all of you do, which is why I can't get drunk on regular alcohol and I have to eat more food than all of you, except the other speedsters and Kara."

Caitlin frowns as Cisco tells Barry, "yeah, that's usually what happens when you drink too much."

"No, the alcohol is not affecting me. I mean I literally feel nothing," Barry corrects desperately.

"It's your hypermetabolism. I need a sample," Caitlin says excitedly, reaching into her bag.

"I'll get more shots," Cisco offers, running back to the counter.

Caitlin continues to search through her bag, "I swear I had a vacutainer in here."

"You carry a blood collection kit with you?" Alex asked incredulously.

"I used to, but not anymore," Caitlin shrugged.

"Wait, you carry a blood collection kit in your purse?" Barry asks.

"You have your hobbies," Caitlin counters, looking at him pointedly.

"Now I want to know what's in all of our bags," Cisco chuckled.

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