Chapter 18: Captain Cold (Going Rogue)

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A/N: I'm back! I've been back from all my trips for a while now, but I've been caught up with last minute school work since school starts this week. This chapter will cover the events of The FLash Season 1 Episode 4: Going Rogue.

Super Important Note 1: Really really important question: did you guys like the chapter without the embedded videos? Should I forget about embedding videos or just keep doing what I've done in the past and edit the last part and this part to add videos?

Super Important Note 2: The Character List Needs Updating, should I update it (I've taken characters out and I forgot characters in the list so I don't want to mislead new readers), or should I just leave it until I finish the entire fic (which won't be for a while)?

Not as Important Note: Who has watched Hamilton on Disney+ and The Umbrella Academy on Netflix?

Continuity Note: Also let's completely forget that Killer Frost had disappeared and hadn't come back at this point, we'll just say Killer Frost is already back because I think I mention that Caitlin's hair starts to turn white and stuff in a few chapters, which I just realized as I'm going back and editing chapters a bit to post on AO3. And I also just remembered that Rip died and technically shouldn't really be here since he's dead, but we'll just say that he's still watching, although on AO3, I still kept him dead, so he isn't in that version of the fic (Constantine isn't in that version either, but yeah).

A/N (Edit): So I inserted the video clips, but like before not everything will line up, sorry.


Previously: "Is everyone okay?" Iris asked, her arms wrapped her husband's waist.

"I think everyone needs a breather," Lena sighed.

Everyone nodded in agreement and dispersed into their usual groups: the older New Directions together, the newer New Directions together, the staff and parents together, the Warblers together, and superhero teams each in their usual groupings: the techies, the responsible parents, the leaders, the doctors, etc.


Sara, Kara, Oliver, and Barry came together as "The Leaders" of their teams and started talking and comforting each other and their losses, but also what they've gained in the time that they started becoming heroes.

Joe, Cecile, Cat, Will, Emma, Coach Beiste, Sue, Burt, Carol, and Stein all came together as "The Responsible Parents" or in Coach Beiste's case an important role model, talking about the kids they take care of every day and reflecting on their choices that shaped the people in front of them today and their own choices.

Captain Singh, Ava, J'onn, and Rip came together and talked about their experiences running a law enforcement organization, the flaws in the system, and what they can do to be better. However, they also joked a bit at the heroes under their organizations and all the trouble they would get into: Barry's tardiness, The Legends' shenanigans, and of course: aliens, specifically the weirder ones that Team Supergirl would face every so often.

John D, Roy, Thea, Ralph, Iris, Wally, Jesse, Mon-el, Imra, Adam, Nate, Amaya, Ray T, Leo Snart, Mick, John C. came together, and then separated into an even more divided group. One with Iris, Adam, Wally, Jesse, and Ralph. Another with Diggle, Constantine, Roy, Nate, and Thea. Another with Mon-el, Imra, and Amaya. And finally one with Ray Terrill, Leo Snart, and Mick, who had somehow gotten his hands on two bottles of beer. The "West Group" reunited, caught up, and got to know Adam since he was the only one not on Team Flash. They talked about what it's like as essentially "a sidekick" or a "pep talker." The "Mostly Team Arrow Group" also caught up and recounted stories of their travels through time, through an FBI investigation, or around the world in Roy and Thea's case. Mon-el, Imra, and Amaya talked about their experiences with time travel. And finally, Ray, Leo, and Mick talked about Earth-1 Snart, finding the similarities and differences. After a while, Mick got bored and just let Ray and Leo talk as he overheard their conversation.

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