Mile 6: Doctor In The House, Quartz In Trouble!

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(Wow guys! I'm really impressed by your comments and votes. I'm really glad I'm makin' a fanfiction of gold from this hit-video-game movie. So be sure to buckle yourselves down while in your thrill seats, 'cause it's all down hill from here! With Robotnik closing in on our little blue hero. And this is only the start of our main trio's problems with facing the mad doctor for the first time. So I won't say anything further but....

I can say for one- LET THE MADNESS COMMENCE!)

(P.S - I clearly don't own the movie or the characters ESPECIALLY Sonic. And Reader-Chan owns their awesome selfie!)

(P.P.S - I'm deticating this page to the African American Community and to all Blacks. Since there have been lots of violence lately from media & news I wanted to dedicate this page to them in respect & admiration. Wheather you are white, black or any color- at the end of the day, U are a treasure to this constantly changing world. I wanted to tell others, that no amount of hate in this universe can compare to the infinite kindness and love in one's heart. In short we all have one thing in common- being Human. So when you look at someone who is different from you. Just remember that looks aren't what make the person, it's the contents of the heart. I personally hope this is inspirational when writing this.)

Word Count - 7151

Word Count - 7151

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Outside our house, Robotnik had already arrived tracking the alien energy, he knee'd down looking to find a foot print within a shoe print. The same one from what his drones had shown him earlier - Scanning it with his hand-glove-device, pushing a few buttons to follow. Back inside I was remaining calm to an all time high;

"All-right. Stay here and be quiet."

"Good plan, great plan. We're already working so well together, practically finishing each other's sentences." This probably stemmed from not being able to interact with someone for 10 years. Looking back at me before closing the door behind him-

"Oh, Okay, bye."

I was looking around at the different boxes that decorated the attic. "What are you doing, Crystal Girl?" I hear the blue hedgehog ask from behind me; Placing a hand to my chin while holding my other arm.

An idea had began to take shape within my mind. I then flash a smirk.

"I have an idea that just might work." I then began to knock down the non-fragile boxes with Sonic dodging a few after I finally found one storing a bunch of balls that Tom & I would play over the weekends. I turned around saying "I've seen this kinda thing from the movie E.T, I have no doubt in my mind that Mr. Spielberg's work can save you." Before unloading the boxes I turn around getting on my knees to the hedgehog's eye level asking him.

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