Mile 8: Pit Stop Calls, Bars & Sonic's Bucket List!

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(Howdy cowgirls and cowboys, welcome back to yet another Sonic The Hedgehog: True Blue Friend (Child Reader Insert!) when we last left off our trio of heroes. They have now begun their quest to travel to San Francisco in order to help Sonic retrieve his missing magical rings as well as try to avoid a possibly mad scientist who is now after said trio. With a desire in mind to catch more than just Sonic, himself. But now it's time for a pit stop-- and it's gonna be more than what you would expect on a runaway roadtrip! I do NOT own the characters or the movie OR the main star himself. As they are created and owned by their rightful people. That means the actors too. or whatever. Be in all aside. I hope you enjoy this new Mile-stone~!)

Word Count - 8936

Word Count - 8936

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And time passed on by & I grew sick of being in the car watching the trees and cars zoom on by; Nearly falling asleep with my head in my hand I thought (I know Tom's trying to protect me and Sonic from the bad guys... But where's the insane fun to every roadtrip?) I remembered how I was like Sonic visiting Earth for the first time, I mean our experiences were different but they all had one thing we both had in common. We both lived alone. Sonic seemed like he couldn't sit still either as he already just did a run by the World's Largest Rubberband-Ball. But he wasn't allowed out of the car when we drove passed by a classic roadside dinner that served the best pancakes in the 3 states. Tom did not stop when we all passed by a deer in the clearing of the woods-

I chortled behind my hand when Sonic glared, his ears down, throwing a fist at em. I think that deer gave poor Sonic the stink eye. To make sure the hedgehog didn't die of total boredom I began to play games like Eye Spy, 20 Questions, Punch Buggy and other fun little activities to keep the little blueberry busy. I watched as the sun was already setting beyond the horizon, I nearly fell asleep in the back seat.

My body automatically shot up as I took notice that the truck was coming to a stop. "Wh-where are we?"

"At a gas station, don't worry (Y/n). Just a quick pit stop." Tom pulled the truck over to the side of a small gas station. He got out with the key by his fingers, placing an old baseball cap on his head- He walked around to the other side of the car. Unlocking my seat-belt I leaned in between the two seats. Sonic and I looked out with the window down. In a hushed low voice he began to explain our next move. "Alright. Now I gonna check in with Wade,-"

I suddenly feel my hands flung up to grab my slightly unatural locks of rainbow. Oh my gosh! I had totally forgotten about Tom's police buddy, Wade! I had no idea what was happening with him or the others back ho-

 I mean... Green Hills.

I felt it totally slip my mind!- "-See if he knows what's going on." a small frown was placed on my face as I muttered "I really hope he's okay..." Sonic who was leaning against the front of the dashboard questioned.

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