Mile 9: Brawl At The Bar, Fight Like A Gem! (Future Rewrite!)

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(Prepare for more bar-tastic fun in Mile 9: Brawl At The Bar! With Tom & Reader-Chan helpin' out Sonic in completeling his bucket list for his last night on Earth before leaving on a high note. But just as things are lookin' alright for the pit stop night. It's about to turn into more than just a regular experience at a regular bar. I do NOT own the characters or the movie OR the main star himself. As they are created and owned by their rightful people. That means the actors too. or whatever. Be in all aside. I hope you enjoy this mile-stone~! P.S - Reader-Chan owns their awesome selfie!!)

Word Count - 5246

Word Count - 5246

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(I may re-edit the Bar fight scene in the future when this book is finished.)

Sonic & I had crashed by our table already full of food, while Tom's face & about half the top of himself was drenched by some rando's drink. I felt kinda bad for Tom but that didn't stop my laughter or even Sonic's for that matter; 

"Ha ha ha!"

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up." Tom jokingly stated drying himself off, wiping a tear from his face he told Tom. "Nice work, Romeo." As fun as it was little did I know somehow we had attracted the attention of a small biker gang that was lookin' in our direction, I was too distracted by the fun I was having to take notice-

Taking a bottle off the table in hand, Tom threw the rag on the surface looking in our direction. Laughing sarcastically he replies "Glad you're having a good time." A few snickers had escaped my lips as I say to Tom who took a sip from his drink. "Well thanks for askin'. Hey Sonic, are you having fun?-" I couldn't resist at the chance with being a little smart, this night has been so fun! Looking between Tom & myself the hedgehog emphasized with a biggest smile on his face.

"I am having a good time! I'm having the best time! I mean, what could go wrong?"

As if on cue just as Sonic said that a gang of burly-looking-men had made their way over to our table. Tom was staring right at the men while my face slowly contorted from happy to alarmed even my glass mug to my lips, I felt my whole body freeze up looking into the eyes of said men. I could tell these guys were irritated right off the bat. Sonic whom was confused, wondering what we both were staring at. He turned around in his seat to see the gritty rough bikers. What followed in a few moments of silence until I broke it asking ever so nicely as I placed my mug down lifting my hands. "Uh... Can we help you, gentlemen?" One of the men just continued to give us looks when the bald guy in the middle replies back with a deep voice. "We don't like your kind around here." 

"Our kind?" Sonic asked repeating part of man's respones, glaring up at the man. "What kind is that?"

Another moment of silence creeped upon us expect for the sounds of the lively bar, I was praying for this guy to just go away because the only answer that was about to come out of his mouth made things worse! Leaning down he looked Sonic dead in the eyes, giving him the most ice cold, nastiest look any person could MUSTARD. (*Yeah, I went there, I did it! #Puns!!*)

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