Mile 10: Midnight Motel Moments, Alone Together. (Future Rewrite!)

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(Time to wind down with Mile 10: Midnight Motel Moments, Alone Together. After taking on a rather rash and insane Action-Fight at the Pistion Pit. Our trio flees barely without a scratch and only a few bruises. They take shelter for the night at a local motel on the way to San Fransisco. But while Tom and Sonic have a bit of down time-- He and Little-Reader+Chan are about to have a little bounding moment of their own with the DonutLord out cold on the bed. I don't own the movie or the characters as they are created by their rightful owners. Even our main man, Sonic. Reader-Chan is owned by... who else? YOU! Of Course. I hope you enjoy the Mile 10!) (OH, P.S- the last part in the title for this Mile is a tribute/refference to Steven Universe's episode- Alone Together.)

Word Count - 7505

Word Count - 7505

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Finally Tom had spotted a cozy looking motel while riding on down the road. There we thought it be wise to stop for the night. Tom went to the desk and before ya even know= we already book'd a room for the night. I was sitting on the bed next to Sonic who was surprisingly still filled to the brim with sugary energy.

Small theory: it could've been the quantity of soda he scarfed down.

Tom pulled out some towels in a small bucket filled with ice, I watched as Sonic recalled earlier events of our epic bar fight jumping a little on the bed- "The floors were sticky, the crowd was rough and the odds were against us, but there was no stopping Donut Lord, Crystal Girl and the Blue Blur!" He struck a confident pose which caused me to feel a silent chortle escape my lips. He zips on over to the night stand sitting down as he took out the list he made back at the bar.

"Scratch another one of my list!" Drawing a line over some words that spelled out-

"Start a bar fight."

I could see there was more written down he wanted to do. Some examples were=

"make a crank call.", "Sail the high seas," "run along GREAT WALL" and "Dress up like ELVIS!"

There was no end to Sonic's hysterical personality and I was loving every second of it. Tom grinned handing Sonic a towel. "You are a weird little dude." Then came this cute yet funny moment by the two boys of our little trio which Tom had brought said hand made ice packs to his face. Sonic then was mimicking Tom's action, this went on for about a minute or so finally breaking his action Tom replies with- "Okay."

"So, what are we gonna do now?" the little guy asks still on some sort of energy high. Tom was clearly poop'd and in no shape or form to party onward, the feeling was so mutual as I no had no energy left to spare. "I'm gonna pass out watching TV. You should too." Tom says while letting out a yawn. I nod too about ready to pass out. "But this is my last night on Earth. I wanna soak up every last second." I would do the same.... I could feel my eyes drift off thinking about my personal choice to leave first before Tom & Maddie. I mean... I think I'd do the same... wish I hadn't need to run away before trying to soak up the last moments in the place I once called home.

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