Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I M A N I ' S < P O V

~5 months later~

I haven't seen my sisters in person in 5 months. We facetime all the time though. They know that I still love them more then anything and Lisa understands why I'm not there. I didn't tell her what Malique does for a living. The only person that knows is mom and Jasmine.

After a lot of convincing I was finally able to tell Jasmine where we live. So here we are now. In the living room chillin watching movies.

"I'm telling you, your pregnant." and Jasmine thinks I'm pregnant.

"I am not pregnant." I laugh "I can't be." I whisper the last part to myself. Sure I am now 20 years old, out of school but I can't be pregnant. I'm to young. I've barely lived. A baby will just put a damper on things. Plus what would Malique think if I was? We haven't talked about kids.

"Do y'all use protection?" Jasmine ask


"Are you on the pill?"


"Then your pregnant." she says and I roll my eyes.

"I haven't even had symptoms of being pregnant. I've just been eating a lot more." I state. It's true I haven't showed no signs of being pregnant other than me eating.

"Okay, whatever." Jasmine says and I sigh. What if I really am pregnant. What will I do.


Jasmine is still here and she said she doesn't plan on going anywhere. Well not know at least. It's 5:00 in the afternoon and were just sitting here chillin. She let the conversation of me being pregnant go. Thank god. I really don't wanna think about me being pregnant.

Next thing I know my phone goes off and I think it's Malique calling me to tell me that he's on his way home but it was Lisa. It wasn't even a facetime call.

"Hey sissy." I answer the phone with a smile on my face. I always enjoy talking to my sisters.

"Sis!?" Lisa yells through the phone.

"Yes it's she." I say playing around with her.

"Imani! I need you help. I went to this party and this dude tried to force himself on me and he knocked me out and now I'm in his house and I'm scared. Sissy please help me." she says all in one breath.

"Okay, okay. Lisa, where are you?"

"I don't know!" she yells and I hear her sniffle. I know she crying. "Sissy, please help me."

Before I could answer I hear someone open a door and she screamed, then the line went dead.

"We have to go." I say to Jasmine and grab my keys. She doesn't question me and gets in the car.

"Jasmine, get in my phone and go to find my iphone." I instruct and she listens. When she finally tells me where Lisa is I start ripping through stop signs, red lights. 

"Damn Imani. Slow down." Jasmine said. What the hell did she just say.

"What do you mean slow down. Someone is out there touching my sister and you want me to slow down." I practically yell at her. This is my sister where talking about.

"What if we get into a wreck and can't get to her in time." she states.

"Look, god got me." is all I said before running another stop sign.


When I pull up to the house I hurry out the car and run into the house. Something told me not to yell out for her so I didn't. When I found her Lisa she was forced up against the wall as a white man kissed on her neck. One hand over her mouth while the other started going up her thigh.

Tears coming down her eyes as she thrashes her head back and forth trying to get him off her. The tears coming out of my eyes and we make eye contact. I hurry and put my index finger over my mouth motioning for her to be quiet.

I walk out the doorway and run back out to my car. Jasmine shoots up and looks at me confusion written all over her face.

I reach into my glove department and pull out my gun and Jasmine's eyes widen. "Why do you have a gun in your car." she says but I ignore her and clock it back running back into the house.

I walk into the room and shot the guy 3 times in his back making Lisa yell. The guy falls and she runs into my arms crying hysterically. I brush her hair back with my fingers and shush her.

"It's gonna be alright. I promise." I say kissing her forehead. "I am so sorry this happened to you." the tears coming down once again.

I guide her up so I can walk her out the house and I pull out my phone to call Malique.

"Wassup baby." he answers on the 2nd ring.

"I just shot someone and I need you to cleanup the mess, I don't know what to do." I say over the phone. I don't know what to do. This isn't what I do on a regular this is Maliques thing.

"Alright mamas, I'm on my way. Send me the address. Don't leave." he says and I hang up the phone and walk over to comfort my sister.

I really can't believe that that man tried to rape her. Me thinking about makes me want to make him suffer. I wish I would have made him suffer just like he was trying to make my sister suffer.

After about 10 minutes of being in the backseat of the car making sure Lisa was okay Malique finally pulls up. I get out the car and I give him a hug. This day has been so stressful, I just want to go home and sleep. But I can't not until Lisa is okay.

I tell him what happened and he looks at Lisa and gives her a hug, surprisingly she accepts it and hugs him back. Malique then goes into the house and cleans up the mess. He tells me to go home and I nod my head. I drop Jasmine off at her house and I take Lisa back to mine.

"Are you sure your okay?" I ask her sitting down next to her on the couch.

"Yea I'm okay." she says. "I'm just glad you got there when you did." the tears threatening to come out again.

"I'm glad I got there when I did. I don't know what I would have done if he would have done that to you." I say and she smiles lightly at me.

"Why do you have a gun in your car." she ask making my eyes go wide for a split second.

"Don't worry about that." I shrug it off and she just nods placing her head on my chest. "Do you wanna go home?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No, I don't." she says and I nod my head. Respecting her wishes.

I tell her to get in the shower, that I have clothes for her to wear when she gets out.

While she's in the shower Malique comes home.

"It's done." he says and I nod my head and hug him. "How is she doing?" he ask

"Not good. She doesn't want to go home so I told her she can stay, I hope that's okay."

"Yea, that's completely fine." he says. I really don't know how I'm gonna explain this to my mom. I guess that's tomorrow problem.

* not edited *

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