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It was too good to be true. Hermione couldn't sleep that night, even though Draco's arms were around her tightly, making her feel secure and safe. "Just go to sleep Granger"Draco grunted for the 20th time that night.

"You're saying that as if I haven't tried"She snapped as she sat up. He rolled on to his back and glared at her. "I would like to sleep thanks"He snarled. "Well go then"She snapped. "I came all the way here to get you,I'm not going back"He said as he sat up. He swung his feet off the bed and stood before turning to her. "I'm gonna go shower, fix me some clothes"He said.

"Fix you some clothes? I don't work for you"She snarled. "You want me to wear your skirts and shirts?"He sneered. She glared at him. "Go take a shower"she snapped.He rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand, pulling her up into a standing form.He took hold of both her arms and pulled her closer to him. "You really wanna leave huh?"She said as she pushed him away,sitting back down on her bed. "Your condition is a joke to me Granger"He snarled. "Having personal space is a joke?"She asked.

"I couldn't care less about your personal space, you're mine and I do what I want, when I want"He snapped as crouched down infront of her. "I'm yours? Well it seems like you've bought me"She snarled. He glared at her before standing up. He grabbed her arm and pulled her up. He dragged her to the bathroom and pushed her back against the now closed door. "I'm going to say it again, you're mine and nothing is gonna stop me from getting you completely"He sneered before slamming his lips on hers.

"Say that again"George Said. "We went over to see her and Malfoy was there!"Ron snapped. "She obviously wanted me to get mad so she could ran to him"He snarled bitterly. "It's your fault"Ginny snapped. "He was there because of you"She Said with a roll of her eyes. "Come again?"Bill Asked. "Malfoy found out where she was because of Luna. Luna found out because of Ginny, who was told the address by you, and you found out because of Ron"Harry explained. "So it is Ronnykins fault"George said. "I don't know why he's bothered now, they're gonna be doing wayyyyy worse stuff then just being in the same house"Ginny said, smirking. "Ginny!"Her brothers yelled as they stared at their sister in shock. "She isn't as innocent as you think"Harry said as he laughed. "Anyway, I'll go talk to her, she's much better here then anywhere near Malfoy"Ron said as he stood.

Draco pulled back from the kiss after a few seconds and went over to a cabinet that was beside Hermione's vanity. Opening it, he grabbed a towel and went to the shower. She rolled her eyes and exited the bathroom. How the hell was she supposed to get clothes for him? She then remembered that her father's clothes were still in her parents room. Her parents hadn't taken all of their things.

She entered her parents room.It was worse then her room, she had cleaned only her room before leaving because she couldn't bring herself to enter the room of the people she loved most when they didn't even remember her. Going to her fathers closet, she opened a few drawers and found A pair of black pants and a dark green T-shirt. Going back to her bathroom, she knocked on the door. "I'm putting clothes on the vanity"She Said before unlocking the door and entering.

She was looking straight at the ground as she walked over to the vanity and placed the clothes down. She turned around, still looking at the ground, and bumped straight into his bare chest. She looked up and Glared at him. "Move Malfoy"She snarled. He rolled his eyes at her.She pushed past him and was about to walk out when he grabbed her arm. All he had to do was take a step forward and she was pinned to the wall, her arm over her head. "Is that a way to talk to your husband?"He asked as he pressed his Body against hers. "You're practically my boyfriend right now, not my husband"She snapped as she fought to get her arm free. "For now"He smirked before pressing his lips on hers. "Hermione"They Heard. Draco looked up at the sound. "Who's that?"He asked. "Well if you let go I'll be able to check"She snapped.He rolled his eyes and dropped his arm.

She left the bathroom and went down to the living room. It was Ron. "what is it?"She asked, crossing her arms. "You've got to return to the borrow"He said. "Why"She asked. "I know Malfoy's your enemy and all, so he won't come to the borrow, you're safer there"He said. "Malfoy won't hurt me"She said. "Have you counted how many times he's made you cry!"Ron shouted. "If his father and Aunt are capable of torturing people, so is he!"He added. "I'm not leaving Ron"She snapped. "Hermione, please, just come back, Malfoy won't come near you if you're at the Borrow"Ron begged.

"So you're basically trying to hide her from me?"Draco asked as he leaned against the wall. "What are you doing here!"Ron snapped. "I slept here"He smirked as he ran a hand through his hair. Ron looked back at Hermione. "He slept here?"He asked. Hermione nodded. "Was it hard to sleep on a couch, is it too hard?"Ron sneered at Draco. "Who said I slept on the couch"He asked as he walked over to Hermione. "He slept in one of the other rooms, right"He asked Hermione. "He-"Hermione was saying but Draco interrupted. "No,no, in the room right around the corner"He said. "Your room is right around the corner"Ron muttered. "YOU SLEPT WITH HIM?!"Ron yelled. "Why would it matter to you?"Hermione snapped. "You slept with my enemy!"Ron thundered. "He's my boyfriend!" Hermione yelled.

The shocked silence was unbearable.  Both boys in the room were shocked about what she had said. "Boyfriend?"Ron said in a low voice as he stepped back.Ron looked between the two, completely shocked. "How- how could you!"He snapped. "Get out"She snarled. "Get out of my house and don't come back"She Said as she pushed him. Ron Glared At them before apparating on the spot. "Pack your things" Draco Told Her. "What"She said as she turned to him. "You Heard me, go"He said. "Why"She snapped. "Must you be so annoying"He snarled before leaving the room.She thought for a second or two before she followed him and saw him closing her trunk.Grabbing it by the handle, he picked it up and walked towards her. He grabbed her hand as he went and dragged her back to the living room. "Where are we going?"She Asked. "Stop Talking And You'll find out"He snarled.

And then he apparated away. They landed in a warm room and Hermione looked around. It was the apartment he'd bought. He let go of her hand and walked up the staircase, probably to drop off her trunk before coming back. "You don't tell anyone the address"He snapped. "I'm not stupid, I understood you the first time we were here"She snarled. He rolled his eyes at her before heading to the kitchen as she sat in the living room.

He returned with a glass of water and sat Down. Sitting the glass on the table, he turned so he was facing her. "What?"She asked when she noticed him staring at her. "I wasn't finished with you"He snarled at her. She raised an eyebrow at him before he grabbed her upper arm and brought his face extremely close to hers. "Malfoy stop"She said as she pushed him away. He didn't care. Just pulled her arm a little closer to him and she was the one who 'started' the kiss.

Ron stormed into his room and Harry, who was reading something about quidditch, looked up. "What's wrong?"Harry asked. "Malfoy slept at her house"Ron bellowed as he paced around the room. "What"Harry said as he sat up straight. "Not only that,they slept together as well!"He added. "Hermione wouldn't accept it"Harry said. "Well that's what Malfoy said! And then she kicks me out! What's happened to her?"Ron snapped. Harry didn't know to say, he was utterly shocked.

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