New Year's Eve (Part 2)

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Pansy paced around her and Ron's room. He wasn't at all happy right now. He returned to the commen room pissed off because McGonagall didn't allow him to switch dorms. She had to go with her new found plan.

Step 1: Wait for him to come
Step 2: Kiss him

A 2-step plan wouldn't be too hard, right? Ron entered the room and glared at her. She took a breath in as she closed her eyes, preparing for her plan. But before she could even let a breath out, she felt a pair of lips on hers. She opened her eyes a little and saw Ron's red hair infront of her. She closed her eyes again and kissed back.

Ron couldn't believe himself. He had just talked to Theodore Nott about his feelings for the Parkinson heiress. And he actually took the guy's advice. "Go with the flow"Theo had told him. So he did. Went with the first thing that came to his mind. Kiss her, see what happens. And saying he was surprised when she kissed him back would be an understatement.

"You know people live across the hall right!?"Blaise shouted to them. He had just exited his room and the first thing he saw was his girl best friend making out with the redhead, with their door WIDE OPEN. Ron broke the kiss and looked over his shoulder. His face was redder then his hair. He magically closed the door and turned back to Pansy with a sheepish smile.

"Looks like they're together"Hermione said, having heard Blaise's yell. She and Draco were sitting on one of 2-seated couches while Ginny and Harry sat on the other. "I'm surprised" Blaise scowled as he sat on the bigger couch alone, disgusted by the scene he had just witnessed.

"Is little Blaisey traumatized?"Theo teased as he sat down on the large couch. "Yes, Yes he is"Blaise pouted, glaring at them. "We can Obliviate you?"Harry suggested. "I wouldn't even trust you with my glass of water, Potter"Blaise Said. "But You did"Ginny Said, smirking. "Harry gave you water at the Notts wedding"She reminded him. "And that's something I'll never repeat"Blaise Said crossing his arms. "You're still alive though"Hermione told him. "This time" Blaise muttered, grabbing the daily prophet off the table.

"Your wedding is mentioned"Blaise nudged Theo. "And your future wedding is mentioned"He told Harry. "And So is yours and weasel's"He added to Hermione. "Actually I've been thinking"Harry Said. "What if me,you and Ron did a triple wedding?"He suggested to Hermione. "That'd be great"Hermione agreed before looking at Draco. "Is that alright?"She Asked. "You're asking for my opinion?"Draco Asked, shocked. "Well you're paying for it, I need your approval"She Said. "As long as I'm not talking to any weasels or gryffindorks"He said. "You might as well leave right after The 'I do' Malfoy"She rolled her eyes. "Fine by me"He shrugged.

"How about you Gin?"Harry Asked, turning to his fiancé. "I don't mind, Hermione's my bestfriend and Ron's my brother"Ginny nodded. "Ron wouldn't disagree if we ask him in the next 10 minutes"Hermione Said, looking at her watch. "How come?"Theo Asked. "She snuck some calming potion into his drink"Harry told him. "This! This is why I will NEVER trust anyone with my drink!"Blaise Said dramatically before getting up and leaving. "Is he always dramatic?"Ginny Asked. "You should see him when he's drunk"Draco scoffed. "Which is probably in a few hours"Astoria Said, having Came after Blaise left. "I forgot it was New Years!"Hermione Said. "We're going somewhere"She Added Before getting up and dragging Draco out of the commen room.

"Where are we going actually?"Draco Asked as they walked down the corridor. "Luna is planning a baby reveal party for Blaise this evening, who knows him better then you"Hermione explained, continuing to drag him. "She wants to know how she should decorate the cake, the commen room and a box"She continued. "A box?"Draco questioned. "She's gonna put baby clothes in it and a few baby toys as a hint"She Said. They headed out of the castle and met with Luna at the new store that was made for their purposes. "The baby section is here"Luna said, walking ahead of them after they entered the store.

That afternoon was difficult. They had to set up the commen room without the other four boys noticing. "'Mione, They're coming"Ginny Warned, rushing into the commen room. "It's fine, we're ready"Luna said. "Where's hermione?"Ginny asked, looking around. "She and Draco went to their room, they got a letter from someone"Luna explained. A second later, Blaise and Theo walked in. They were talking as they looked down at a letter in Blaise's hand so they didn't notice anything. Luna and Ginny rolled their eyes.

Astoria, who was watching from the corner, cleared her throat loud enough to be heard. The boys looked up and noticed the decorations. "Who's having a baby?"Blaise asked. "We are, it's a boy"Luna smiled. Blaise gaped in surprise, Theo patting him on the back on congratulations. "Well do something" Ginny scoffed. Blaise finally got his senses back and hugged his fiancé.

Draco paced around the room as Hermione tried to calm him down. "Draco calm down"Hermione told him for the 5th time. "How can I calm down? My parents found a way through the law to get me married to some pureblood from canada!" He snapped. "And if I refuse, everything I own will be taken away"He added. Hermione looked down at the letter one more time.

Draco, I have found a way to get you wed to someone else. She's your mother's friend's daughter, blonde hair, green eyes,age 18, PUREBLOOD, and from canada. Her name is Lauren Mandie, she's coming over for the summer. A friend of mine, who is friends with the minister,agreed to talk with shacklebolt about it, as long as you and Lauren sign the form. Check the envelop and sign it. If you disagree, we WILL disown you. No mudblood will be attached to our family.
Send back the form,
Lucius Malfoy

How could someone ever put their son in this position? They heard a knock on the door and Draco groaned. Hermione got up and opened it. "Are you coming to the party? It starts in an hour"Ginny told her. Hermione Glanced at Draco who continued to pace. "I don't think we'll be able to come"Hermione said. "What's wrong?"Ginny asked,seeing the worried look on her face. "I'll tell you later"Hermione muttered. "What is it?"Draco asked, having been too distracted to listen. "There's a party for New Years this evening"Hermione told him. "We'll go, I'll have something to distract me"he said. "It's actually split up, the girls will be here and the boys are going to dorm 4"Ginny said. "We have dorm numbers?" Hermione Asked. Ginny nodded. "We're dorm 1"The redhead added. "I guess we'll see you in half an hour"Hermione sighed. She didn't like the idea of every girl in 6th to 8th year being in their dorm, there was a bunch of people she knew would pick a fight.

The two changed into different clothes that were more appropriate for the occasion. They tried their best to forget about the letter and have fun. Draco left with the other boys and the girls waited for the guests. Hermione waited as she sat on the chair.Her mind kept wondering to draco, his parents and the letter. She was so focused she hadn't heard her dorm mates calling her. "Hermione!"Ginny snapped, throwing a pillow at her. "What?"Hermione asked. "What's wrong, we've been trying to get your attention for the past 2 minutes"Pansy said. "Its nothing"Hermione shook her head. "Tell us granger, before the others come" Astoria said. Hermione bit her lip before telling them. "They're disowning him for that?!"Ginny said, shocked like the rest. Hermione Nodded as her mind wondered to other things. "I know what you're thinking Granger, he won't do it"Pansy told her. "Do what?"Luna asked. "Leave her"Astoria said, smirking a bit. "You really like him don't you?"She said, though already knowing the answer. Hermione nodded slowly but luckily before the teasing could start, they heard people outside,announcing that the other girls had came.

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