Grangers reaction

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Apparating infront of her parents house, Draco went and knocked on the door. "Have they seen me before?"Draco asked. "Maybe once or twice"Hermione shrugged. They heard footsteps and the door opened. "Hermione, you brought a guest"Her father said, looking at Draco suspiciously. "Yes, Dad, this is my fiancé"Hermione said, gesturing To Draco. "He looks very much like the man who nearly killed us"Her mother said, having stood beside her husband, glaring at Draco. "He's,um, related to him" Hermione muttered, avoiding her parents eyes.

"You are not marrying him, end of story"Her father snapped. "Dad, I have to"Hermione said. "He might as well be a murder as well"Her father yelled. "He's not like him at all! He's the reason you're still alive!" Hermione snapped loudly. "Let's go inside and talk"she said, trying to calm herself down. "No, we're gonna talk out here"Her mother said. "There's something you don't know and I don't want anyone else to hear"Hermione said, annoyed why her parents would act like this. "Mione"They heard a squeaky voice. Melody was running to her. Hermione picked her up and smiled at her sister. "How are you Melody?" Hermione asked the child. "I mwiss you"Melody muttered. Her mother rolled her eyes. "You have 10 minutes" She said.

They sat in the living room, So Hermione told them everything, whether she liked it or not. She told them about the law, the due dates, about the triple wedding, about everything. "And there's one more thing" Hermione said, nervous about how they would react. "What could disappoint us more?"Her father snapped. "I'm pregnant"She muttered, gripping Draco's hand for support. "What"Her mother said, standing up from the couch. "You're a disgrace to our family! You are 19! Pregnant?! I don't care about this law, you're leaving this world of magic and aborting that baby!"Her father yelled. Her jaw dropped. She had expected them to be mad, but she didn't think it would go this far. "No"Draco spoke for the first time that afternoon. "No? You have no say in what my daughter does!"Her mother said. "It's my child, and I won't allow her to kill it to please you. She has done everything to keep you safe and now you're making her leave her life behind"Draco snapped. "Oh and I have to believe you saved our lives? Get out of my house! And go to those ministry people and tell them that Hermione Jean Granger is no longer apart of your world!"Her father snarled. "dad I can't"Hermione cried. "I don't care, it's either you listen to us, or you're out of this family"Her mother said.

There was a moment of silence. Hermione put Melody down on the couch and stood. She wiped her tears and glanced at Draco. "We're going home, I don't want to stay here" Hermione told him. He nodded and he got off the couch. "Mione"Melody cries, pulling at her sister's shirt so she could pick her up. "Melody, Mione has to go, I'll see you later" Hermione said, smiling at her sister. "But I want you to keep these ok?"She added, handing her sister the wedding invitations. "If you change your mind, the wedding is on March 5th, those are the invitations"Hermione said plainly. "You're out of this family! I don't want to see you ever again, take your invitations!"Her mother yelled, snatching the invitations from
Her daughter and throwing it at Hermione. She stared at the invitations that had fallen on the floor. "I'm not cleaning your mess"She said, before turning on her heel and leaving the house she used to love so much.

"She disrespected us every way possible"Her father sneered. "What will our neighbors say, they've known Hermione since she was born"Her mother said. "We'll tell them she's at collage or something, I don't care, I don't want to see her here again"Her father snapped. "Dan, you promised your mother last week that she'll be able to see Hermione during the summer, you can't lie to her"Her mother said. "Theres gonna be a family dinner Jean, what will they say huh? Hermione's pregnant!"Dan snarled. "It doesn't matter, at least we can say she's married, We missed the last reunion, You know how your sister reacted last time when we didn't go"Jean said. "That'll be the last time we see her, I'm not calling her my daughter after that"Dan said.

She apparated to Hogwarts, Draco right behind her. Luckily no one was in the commen room so Hermione just sat and broke down. "Hermione you did the right thing" Draco told her, kneeling down infront of her. "They wanted me to kill my own daughter"She cried, covering her mouth with her hand. "Even if you wanted to, I wouldn't let you, because you'll life your whole life in regret"He told her. "Draco, they don't want me, they hate me over something I can't control"She said, her tears continuing to fall. "We don't need our parents. We have each other, we have our friends and their parents. You know what, we'll go see Molly tomorrow, she'll be happy, I know she will"Draco said, holding her hands in his. "It won't be the same, those people cared for me my whole life and now hate me because of the law"She muttered. "Screw it, I'll be your new parent" They heard.

Hermione quickly wiped her tears and turned. Ginny was standing behind her with her arms crossed. She wasn't the only one though. Harry, Ron, Pansy, Luna and the rest of their dorm mates were there. "You weren't suppose to hear anything" Hermione muttered. "Your point? Nobody should treat their daughter that way"Ginny snapped, making her way to sit beside her. "Draco's right, go see Mum, she hasn't seen you in two months and she'll be thrilled to have you visit her"Ginny added. "But it won't be the same"Hermione repeated. "What did you want to tell them anyway?"Ron asked. "It's private"Draco said. Him and Hermione wanted to announce it at the wedding.

"But you told your parents right? So you can tell Mum and Dad"Ginny added. "We told both our parents"Hermione muttered. "And they both reacted badly?"Pansy asked and they nodded. "Well, Draco will tell my parents, they've always been a second pair of parents right?"Pansy said and Draco nodded. "There you go! You'll tell Pansy's Parents, who will act like your own, and Hermione can tell Molly and Arthur, who will act like her own"Harry said. "Told you it'd work out"Draco said to Hermione. She smiled at all of them. "We'll see Molly and Arthur in the morning and Kelvin and Liza in the afternoon"Draco added.

They went down to the great hall, for the first time since January to avoid looks and gossip from their classmates who had obviously been reading the daily prophet and school paper (which was now shut down). Obviously there were stares, but they got used to the staring they got while outside the great hall. The school tables were still there, so the Slytherins went to one table, while Luna went to her table and the Gryffindors went to theirs. "Haven't seen you 4 in awhile" Dean said. "Well it's not like you've tried to come"Ginny scoffed. "We've been busy"Seamus said. "I'm still confused why they put you two together, I mean the point is to get pregnant isn't it?"Ginny asked. "We were confused ourselves"Dean said. "So we asked McGonagall, if any couple got twins or triples and it was too much, they'd give us a child"Seamus explained. "So you adopt kids?"Ron asked and they nodded. "We are currently adopting one in 6 months from Parvati and her boy person, they're having triplets. They'll continue to see their child but we'll care for it"Dean added. "Wish you luck"Hermione smiled. After having Dinner, they spent the rest of their afternoon studying in the library.

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