Woman in White (Part Two)

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The Impala is parked in front of a pump with Sam sitting shotgun and Ellie in the back lying down with her feet on the window tapping along to the music in the Impala.
Sam is rifling through a box of tapes as Dean comes out of the convenience mart carrying a bunch of junk food and energy drinks.
"Hey!" Sam leans out of the door, and Ellie sits up. "You want breakfast?"
"No, thanks." Sam turns up his nose.
"Ooohhh, yes please." Dean throws an energy drink at her and some candy bars. Ellie catches it and smiles gratefully at her older brother.
"So, how'd you pay for that stuff?" Sam queries. "You guys still running credit card scams?"
Ellie takes a bite of her candy bar and with a full mouth states "Yeah, well, hunting isn't exactly a pro ball career." Dean puts the nozzle back on the pump laughing at his little sister.
Ellie was always good at making her family laugh, Dean was always a little jealous at how their dad would get back from a hunt and be in a bad mood and Ellie would go up to him and start talking or doing something stupid and make him laugh and bring her into a hug, but then she'd do the same for Dean and Sam, when Sam left, Dean was pretty torn up, Ellie held it together for him and dad, who bottled it up and became more strict. Ellie would always convince Dean to go on walks with her and she would take his mind off of it, off of everything for just a little while. He was very protective of his sister but never realised how Ellie was protective of her boys.
"Besides, all we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us the cards." Dean continues from Ellie's earlier statement.
"Yeah? And what names did you write on the application this time?" Sam swings his legs back inside the car and closes the door. Dean gets in the driving seat.
"Uh, Burt Aframian. And his son Hector. Scored two cards out of the deal." Dean says.
"That sounds about right." Sam says "Hey, why only two? Why didn't Ellie get one." Ellie cowers into the backseat why Dean turns to look at her and Ellie smiles coyly, Sam looks at the exchange between the two siblings and Dean answers, "She was allowed one just after you left, but your sister here decided it to be a good idea to max it out on every single Scooby Doo TV show and movie possible." Sam laughs remembering how much she loves that show, it was the only thing she watched and he was pretty sure it still was.
"Hey! Look I didn't know what I was doing I thought it was a free trial but you just needed to cancel afterwards, but it turns out it was not.... Anyway moving on.." She says sipping her drink glaring at Dean.
Sam changes the subject "I swear, man, you've gotta update your cassette tape collection." Ellie gasps loudly and looks at Sam.
"Why?" Dean asks offended.
"Well, for one, they're cassette tapes. And two. Black Sabbath? Motorhead? Metallica?" Dean snatches the tape out of his hands as Ellie chuckles. "It's the greatest hits of mullet rock."
"Well, house rules, Sammy." Dean pops the tape in the player. "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake whole." He drops the tape back in the box and starts the engine. Ellie laughs at this and leans back, happy to have her two brothers with her.
"You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old. It's Sam, okay?" Dean rolls his eyes and turns up the music.
Ellie leans forward shouting at her brother, "Sorry Sammy, I can't hear you, the music is too loud." Ellie laughs harder as Dean smiles at his little sister, Sam just rolls his eyes and leans back.


Back in Black by AC/DC is playing while Dean drives along, Ellie drums along on the seat and Sam is on the phone.
"Thank you." Sam closes his phone. "All right. So, there's no one matching Dad at the hospital or morgue. So that's something I guess." Ellie sighs in relief while Dean glances at Sam, they reach the bridge ahead of them, there are two police cars and several officers.
"Check it out." Dean pulls over. The three take a long look Dean turns the engine off. Dean opens the glove compartment and pulls out a box full of ID cards with his, Ellie and John's faces on them. They all get out of the car and go towards the men.
"Who are you?" One of the men say to the three. Dean flashes his badge. "Federal marshals and this is our intern." Pointing at Ellie.
"You two are a little young for marshals, aren't you?"
Dean laughs "Thanks, that's awfully kind of you." Ellie looks at the police man apologetically as Dean makes his way over to the car. "You did have another one just like this, correct?"
"Yeah, that's right. About a mile up the road. There've been others before that."
Sam interjects, "So, this victim, you knew him?"
The man nods, "A town like this, everybody knows everybody." Dean circles the car and looks around.
"Any connection between the victims, besides that they're all men?"
"No. Not as far as we can tell."
"So what's the theory?" Ellie asks, as they all stand together.
"Honestly, we don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?"
Dean looks at the policeman, "Well, that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys." Sam stomps on Dean's foot. While Ellie smiles apologetically at the cop again.
"Thank you for your time." Ellie says while pushing Sam and Dean towards the car. The cops watch them go, as they walk towards the car, Ellie slaps both of her brothers on the head.
"Ow, what was that for?" Sam queries as Dean looks at her also.
"Because you two are idiots, Dean you don't talk to police like that, and Sam you can't just stomp on his foot!" Dean stands in front of them.
"Come on. They don't really know what's going on. We're all alone on this. I mean, if we're going to find Dad we've got to get to the bottom of this thing ourselves."
Sam clears his throat as him and Ellie look over his shoulder, Dean turns and sees the Sheriff and two FBI agents.
"Can I help you three?"
"No, sir, we were just leaving." Dean says as the two agents walk past him, "Agent Mulder. Agent Scully."
The three walk past the Sheriff, who turns to watch them go.

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