Jus in Bello

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A/N: Sorry guys, I didn't want to write Mystery Spot as it was a bit to hard to incorporate my character into it. 

After the trickster made Sam and Ellie watch Dean die over and over again it had been a bit tricky to get back into the groove of things. It affected Ellie more than her brothers realised but she wanted to keep it to herself as to not freak Dean out anymore about him going to hell. 


Sam and Ellie rush into a bedroom with Dean following behind quickly shutting the door. The three sweep the room checking everywhere.
"Any sign of it?" Ellie asks her brothers. Dean shakes his head.
"Nothing. Dean, are you sure this is Bela's room?" Sam questions, he holds up two wigs and shows them to his siblings. 
"I'd say so." Dean says, suddenly the phone rings and the three all share a look. Dean walks to the phone, he picks it up and puts it on speaker. 
"Dean? Sweetie, are you there?" Bela asks. 
"Where are you?" Dean snaps. 
"Two states away by now." Bela answers. 
"Where?" Dean presses on. 
"Where's our usual quippy banter? I miss it." Bela states. 
"I want it back, Bela.... now." Dean spits. 
"Your little pistol, you mean? I can't at the moment." Bela explains. 
"You understand how many people are gonna die if you do this?" Ellie snaps. 
"What exactly is it that you think I plan to do with it?" Bela questions. 
"Take the only weapon we have against an army of demons and sell it to the highest bidder." Dean guesses. 
"You know nothing about me." Bela says. 
"Tough words for a guy who can't even find me." Bela teases. 
"Oh, I'll find you, sweetheart. You know why? Because I have absolutely nothing better to do than to track you down." Dean tells her. 
"That's where you're wrong. You're about to be quite occupied. Did you really think I wouldn't take precautions?" Bela asks as Dean looks up at Ellie and Sam. Suddenly police officers burst into Bela's room and point guns at the three of them. 
"Hands in the air!" One of the policeman shout. 
"Down on your knees." Another shouts. 
"That bitch!" Dean states. 
"Turn around! Now!" The police officers force the three to lie down on the floor. 
"Sam, Dean and Ellie Winchester, you have the right to remain silent." One of the policeman start as a pair of feet come closer to them. The three look up to see Agent Henriksen. 
"Hi guys... It's been a while." The agent smiles, Ellie closes her eyes and lays her head down on the floor groaning. 


Agent Henriksen walks into the station and starts to talk to the policemen, Melvin and Phil. 
"So did you get them?" The policeman asks. 
"Where is everyone? I asked for all your men." Henriksen questions looking around the empty station. 
"And you got them. They went with you on the raid." The policeman answers, Henriksen looks at him raising his eyebrows. 
"Four men? That's all?" Henriksen states. 
"Everyone I could drum up with an hour's notice. We're a small town, Agent Henriksen." The policeman explains, Henriksen walks towards the holding cells. He sees a man sleeping in the first one. 
"What's he in for?" Henriksen asks. 
"Drunk and disorderly." He answers, the two police officers look at him in disbelief. "Now." One of the police officers reaches for the key in his pocket and gives it to Henriksen. 
"What are you doing?" He asks as Henriksen lifts up the sleeping man.
"It is your lucky night, sir. You are free to go." Henriksen tells the drunk man. 
"What the hell are you doing?!" One of the police officers snap. 
"This way." Henriksen says, ignoring the officer and directing the man out of the building. 
"Agent Henriksen, you can't just release my prisoners." Melvin states. 
"Look, I get it... you're Mayberry P.D." Agent Henriksen says. 
"Excuse me?" Melvin questions raising his eyebrows.
"And this isn't how I'd do it if I had my choice. But a tip's a tip and we had to move fast." The agent explains and walks into the office. 
"Look, Agent, this is ain't my first rodeo." Melvin snaps. 
"You've never been to a rodeo like this before. You have any idea who we're about to bring in here?" Henriksen questions. 
"Yeah, a few fugitives." Melvin shrugs. 
"The most dangerous criminals you've ever laid your eyeballs on. Think about Hannibal Lecter, his half-wit little brother and deranged little sister. Do you know what these three do for kicks? Dig up graves and mutilate corpses. They're not just killers, Sheriff. They're Satan-worshipping, nutbag killers. So work with me here. I'll get them out your hair and on their way to Supermac and you'll be home in enough time to watch the farm report." Henriksen states, Nancy the receptionist is silently listening to Henriksen and she holds the cross pendant she wears around her neck.
"However we can help." Sheriff Melvin says with a scared look.
"Those men of yours... post them at the exits." Henriksen tells him, coming closer to him. He then talks into his walkie talkie. "Reidy?" 
"Yeah, Vic?" A voice calls out from the machine. 
"Bring them in. I guess we're ready as we're gonna be." Henriksen sighs. Suddenly the door opens, and the three Winchesters are led in, shackled together by a chain and guarded by three officers. 
"Why all the sourpusses?" Dean says smiling, Ellie snorts at this and shakes her head. 
"I'll show you to the cells." Reidy says as he goes to grab Ellie's arm. 
"Hey! Hey! Watch the merchandise!" Ellie snaps and then smirks. Nancy's eyes follow the three, scared. Dean notices this and turns to her. 
"We're not the ones you should be scared of, Nancy." Dean tells her as she looks at her rosary and holds it. 

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