All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One

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The Impala pulls up outside a cafe. 
"Why have I got to go in and get the food?!" Sam groans, Ellie leans forward and ruffles his hair. 
"Because I went in the time before and also you're a loser." Ellie teases, Sam rolls his eyes as Dean smirks at this. 
"Hey, don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?" Dean adds and hands him some money, Sam grimaces and looks back at Ellie to see she matches his facial expression. 
"Dude, we are the ones whose gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions." Sam tells him as Ellie nods, Dean grins while Sam sighs and gets out of the car. 
"Hey, see if they've got any pie." Ellie adds on, Sam glares at them both as Sam shuts the door. Dean looks at Ellie and nods. 
"Oh good idea, bring me some pie!" Dean shouts out the door. 
"I love me some pie." Ellie says to herself, Dean turns around and fist bumps her, they both smile. The brother and sister watch Sam go into the cafe and talk to the waiter. Suddenly, the car's radio becomes staticky. Ellie furrows her eyebrows and leans forward, Dean fiddles with it, but it turns off completely. Ellie looks towards the cafe to see it is completely empty. 
"Dean." Ellie says, he snaps his head toward the cafe, they both jump out of the Impala and run into the cafe. They stop in their tracks when they see a customer at a booth, dead with their face down in a puddle of blood. Dean and Ellie both draw their guns.
"Sam?" Ellie calls out, they both pace forward and look around. Ellie sees the employees are also dead with their throats slit, she puts her a hand to her mouth as Dean looks also, he gestures towards the back door and they look around outside.
"Sam?!" Dean shouts, Ellie looks at the door and notices a powder on the handle, she turns to her big brother.
"Sulfur." She tells him, both of their faces form the same worried expression, they race back out the front door, heading back to the car. 
"Sam! Sammy!" Dean shouts, they pause but there is no response.
"SAM!" Ellie shouts at the top of her lungs, again with no response. They look at each other and then back out into the darkness. 
"SAAAAM!" They both shout.

After looking around for a little longer, they get back into the Impala. 
"Damn it!" Dean shouts as he hits the steering wheel. Ellie sighs and runs her hand through her hair.
"We will find him Dean." Ellie tells him, Dean just looks forward causing her to sigh and bite her nails, Dean glances at her before swatting her hand away from her mouth. 
"Don't do that, you only do that when you are really nervous." Dean states to her, she nods and looks forward. 
"Right, we can't do this alone. Let's call Bobby, he'll be able to help us." Ellie says, Dean nods in agreement to this and pulls out his phone with a sigh. 

Later on, Dean, Ellie and Bobby are parked on the side of the road, poring over a map. 
"This is it. All demonic signs and omens over the past month." Bobby explains, the two Winchesters look at the old man with furrowed eyebrows. 
"Are you joking? There's nothing here." Ellie states. 
"Exactly." Bobby says. 
"Well, come on, there's gotta be something. What about the, the, the normal, low-level stuff? You know, exorcisms, that kind of thing." Dean asks. 
"That's what I'm telling you two: there's nothing. It's completely quiet." 
"Well, how are we supposed to look for Sam? What, do we just close our eyes and point?" Ellie snaps in frustration as Dean's phone starts ringing, he answers and puts it on speaker, Ellie leans in closer to the phone. 
"Ash, what you got?" Dean asks.
"Okay, listen, it's a big negatory on Sam-" Ash starts, Ellie looks up to the sky as Dean groans. 
"Oh, come on, man! You've gotta give us something. We're looking at a three-thousand-mile haystack here." Dean pleads.
"Listen, guys. I did find something." Ash explains.
"Well, what?" Ellie asks. 
"I can't talk over this line, guys." Ash tells them, Ellie, Bobby and Dean all glance at each other. 
"Come on, we don't have time for this!" Dean snaps. 
"Make time, okay? Because this - not only does this almost definitely help you find your brother, this is... ahh.. it's huge. So get here. Now." Ash hangs up the phone. Ellie and Dean exchange a glance. 
"I guess we're going to the Roadhouse." Ellie shrugs. 

The three drive to the Roadhouse and as they turn the corner to the bar. The entire building has burned to the ground. Ellie gasps at this. 
"Oh, my God." Bobby breathes out.
"You see Ellen?" Dean asks them. 
"No. No Ash, either." Ellie answers, she walks over to her brother and they bend down to see Ash's watch in the pile of rubber. Ellie pulls on it and sees it is still attached to Ash's very burnt corpse. Ellie immediately takes a few steps back, Bobby wraps an arm around her shoulder while Dean sighs as he stands up. 
"Oh, Ash, damn it!" He shouts in frustration. The three walk around the rubble a bit more, Ellie can't help but bite her nails as she does. Dean walks over to her swatting the hand away from her mouth again, Bobby comes over. 
"This is..." Bobby trails off not finding the words to explain what is going on. 
"What the hell did Ash know?" Ellie questions. 
"We've got no way of knowing where Ellen is. Or if she's even alive. We've got no clue what Ash was gonna tell us. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam?" Dean asks. 
"We'll find him." Bobby tells the two Winchesters. Suddenly, Dean and Ellie clutch their heads in pain. 
"Guys?" Bobby asks. They both groan and double over. Suddenly an image of a bell appears with a engraving of an oak tree on it. "What was that?" Bobby questions as he helps Ellie stand up. 
"I don't know. A headache?" Ellie guesses. 
"You two get headaches at the same time often?" Bobby says. 
"Must be the stress." Ellie chuckles. "I could have sworn I saw something." Ellie states, Dean looks over and nods in agreement.
"What do you mean? Like a vision? Like what Sam gets?" Bobby questions. 
"No!" Dean and Ellie say in unison. 
"I'm just saying." Bobby defends his point.
"Come on, we're not psychic." Dean tells him. Suddenly, the vision comes back. Dean falls against the car in pain while Ellie keels over. This time it is an image of Sam. Bobby grabs Ellie's arm.
"Dean? Ellie? Are you with me?" Bobby asks with concern.
"Yeah, I think so. Dean did you see Sam? I saw him." Ellie says, Dean nods in agreement. 
"It was a vision." Bobby states. 
"Yeah. I don't know how, but yeah. Whew. That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels." Dean says, Ellie rubs her head. 
"What else did you two see?" Bobby asks.
"Uh... there was a bell." Dean says.
"What kind of bell?" 
"Like a big bell with some kid of engraving on it, I don't know." Ellie answers.
"Engraving?" Bobby questions. 
"Yeah." Dean and Ellie say in unison. 
"Was it a tree? Like, an oak tree?" Bobby questions. They both nod. "I know where Sam is." 


The three drive up and park up outside the edge of some woods. They step out of the car.
"Well, it looks like the rest of the way's on foot." Bobby tells them, Ellie sighs and they open the trunk, grabbing guns. 
"Let's go." Dean says. 
They start walking through the woods and stumble upon a derelict village. 
"Sam!" Ellie shouts. 
"Sam!!" Dean calls out also. They suddenly see Sam approaching, staggering with exhaustion and clutching his arm. Ellie feels a wash of relief over her. 
"Ellie, Dean." Sam calls back. Suddenly, Ellie sees a man come up behind Sam with a knife.
"Sam, look out!" Ellie calls as they pick up her pace. The man then stabs the knife right through Sam's back. Dean and Ellie take off running. 
"Noooo!" Dean shouts. Jake twists the knife, before running away. Sam, gasping, falls to his knees. While Bobby chases after Jake, Dean and Ellie slide to the ground in front of Sam. They grab Dam's clothing, trying to keep him conscious. 
"No, Sam!" Ellie cries out, he falls forward. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Sam. Sam! Hey! Hey, hey. Come here. Let me look at you." She says as she places her hand on the wound in Sam's back, covering her entire palm in blood. Dean and Ellie change a heartbreaking look. 
"Hey, look at me. It's not even that bad. It's not even that bad, all right? Sammy? Sam!" Dean says quickly, Ellie lets tears fall down her face as she listens to her Dean trying to talk to Sam. She grabs his face while Dean holds onto his jacket. 
"Hey, listen. We're gonna patch you up, okay? You'll be as good as new. Huh?" Ellie forces a small smile. 
"We're gonna take care of you. I'm gonna take care of you. That's my job, right? Watch out for my pain-in-the-ass little siblings?" Dean states. 
"Sam? Sam! Sammy!" Ellie tries to get his attention. Sam's eyes slide shut and his entire body slumps forward. "No. No. No. No!" Ellie cries out. 
"Oh God. Oh God." Dean says, both of them have tears streaming down their faces as they hold Sam in their arms, Dean and Ellie hugging each other and Sam.
"Sam!" Ellie shouts. 

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