Bedtime Stories

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The three Winchesters are in the Impala with Dean driving. 
"I don't understand, Dean. Why not?" Sam shouts. 
"Because I said so." Dean snaps, Ellie groans and leans back in her seat getting fed up with the constant bickering between her brothers. 
"Guys! Let's stop this argument, we are not getting anywhere with it!" Ellie tells them, they both glance back at her. "Look, Dean I don't really see a problem here.. we can summon the Crossroads Demon..." 
"We're not summoning anything." Dean snaps again. 
"We can pull the gun on her, and force her to let you out of the deal!" Sam shouts following on to what Ellie was saying. 
"We don't even know if that'll work!" Dean replies. 
"Well then we'll just shoot her! If she dies then the deal goes away!" Sam shouts, Ellie furrows her eyebrows not believing Sam's last statement. 
"We don't know if that'll work either, Sam! All you two are pitching me right now is a bunch of 'ifs' and 'maybes' and that's not good enough, because if we screw with this deal, Sam dies!" Dean tells them. 
"And if we don't screw with it, you die!" Sam shouts back. 
"Sam, enough! I am not going to have this conversation." Dean states. 
"Why, because you said so?" Sam retorts.
"YES, BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Dean shouts. 
"Well you're not Dad!" Sam yells back, causing Ellie to sigh, the brothers silently stare at each other.
"No, but I am the oldest." Dean states and then raises his voice. "And I'm doing what's best. And you're going to let this go, you understand me?" Sam and Dean stare at each other angrily.
"ENOUGH! I have had literally enough of this! You two are so desperate to sacrifice yourselves for each other you are killing each other with these ridiculous arguments! I am the youngest here and at the moment I feel like a parent! So you both need to knock it off, or I swear to God I will sell my own soul just to have us all on the same page again!" Ellie explodes. Dean and Sam both raise their eyebrows at Ellie's outburst. 
"Okay, okay El. Tell me about the psychotic killer. C'mon. Tell me about the psychotic killer." Dean says a lot calmer. 
"Psychotic killer... rips victims apart with brute-like ferocity." Sam reads monotonously of some paper. 
"Okay, any mention of his razor sharp teeth or his four-inch claws? Animal eyes?" Dean asks. 
"No. But the lunar cycle's right. Look, if it is a werewolf we don't have long, moon's full this Friday and that's the last time it changes for a month." Sam adds. 
"Two days, no sweat." Dean states, driving a little bit faster. 


The three Winchesters arrive at the hospital where the latest victim is, with Sam and Dean in formal suits while Ellie is in a pencil skirt and simple white blouse, Dean made her wear heels because it was more professional. They enter the victim's, Kyle, room and the three hold up fake badges. Kyle lies in a hospital bed with bandages and scrapes. 
"I'm Detective Plant, this is Detective Page and Foster, we're with the County Sheriff's Department." Dean states. 
"Yeah, uh, I've been expecting you." Kyle says. 
"You have?" Ellie asks confused, glancing at her brothers. 
"All morning. You are the sketch artists, right?" Kyle asks. Sam looks at Dean and Ellie. 
".... uh." Sam starts. 
"Absolutely." Dean says. 
"Yeah." Ellie mumbles quietly. "Yeah, that is exactly who our partner is." Ellie slaps Sam's shoulder. "The thing he can do with a pen..." Dean hides a laugh at his sister's statement while Sam glares at them both. 
"But listen before we get started on that, I wanted to ask you, uh, how'd you get away?" Dean asks. 
"I-I have no idea. I was hiding, and he found me. He was coming right for me and then he just... stopped. Staring at me with this blank look. And after that he just took off running." Kyle answers.
"Okay." Sam sighs. "Um, I'm going to need as much physical detail as you can remember." Sam pulls a small notebook and pen from his pocket and starts sketching, Dean and Ellie exchange a smile. 
"Uh yeah. Uh, he's about six feet tall..." Kyle says. 
"Six feet..." Sam mutters.
"Dark hair..." Kyle adds. Dean and Ellie peek at Sam's sketch. 
"Uhm, what, what about his eyes, what colour eyes did he have?" Sam questions. 
"Maybe... blue?" Kyle guesses. 
"Blue?" Sam repeats. 
"It was dark." Kyle shrugs. 
"Did they seem..." Ellie starts, she clears her throat. "Uh, animal-ish?" 
"Excuse me?" Kyle states. 
"What about his teeth? You notice anything... strange about them?" Sam asks. 
"No, they were just teeth." Kyle says shaking his head. 
"Teeth, okay." Sam mumbles still drawing. 
"How about his fingernails?" Dean questions. 
"OK look he-he's just a- a normal guy, with normal eyes a-a-a-and teeth and fingernails!" Kyle snaps. 
"Look sir, it's okay if-" Sam starts.
"No. No, Those were my brothers. This guy, he- he killed my brothers. How would you feel?" Kyle says looking at the three, who in turn all look at each other. 
"I know this isn't easy but if you could remember any more details...." Ellie says softly. 
"Th-there was one more thing he had a- a tattoo on his arm of a cartoon character. Umm... it's uh, it's the guy who's chasing the Roadrunner-" Kyle answers.
"Wile E. Coyote!" Dean says with a smile, Ellie looks at her big brother.
"Yeah, that's it." Kyle states as the doctor walks out. 
"Dr. Garrison." Kyle says back. 
"How you holding up?" The doctor asks. 
"Okay, considering." Kyle answers. 
"You're Kyle's Doctor?" Dean questions.
"Yes?" The doctor says. Dean holds up his badge. 
"Can I just ask you a few questions?" 
"Sure." The doctor nods. Dean and Dr. Garrison leave the room leaving Sam and Ellie with Kyle. He points at Sam's notebook. 
"Don't I get to see it?" Kyle asks, causing Ellie to smirk while Sam's face turns nervous. 
"Uhhh..." Sam laughs nervously. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uhm, it's a, you know... work in progress." Sam hands his notebook over to Kyle. On it is a badly drawn stick figure of a man. Ellie turns around as she cannot hold in her laughter. 
"Hm. It- it's really.. huh." Kyle fumbles over his words. 
"Okay, thank you for your time." Sam states standing up quickly, taking the notebook out of Kyle's hands, he grabs Ellie and they leave the room. Ellie continues laughing as Sam hits her over her head.

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