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Clearly, Sebastian's "sleep well" had an effect on you. The next morning, you woke up suddenly with a small gasp, sitting bolt upright when you remembered the extremely vivid dream you'd been having.

The feel of his lips on yours, his hands roaming your body, his husky voice as he whispered dirty things into your ear, his—

You shook your head, forcing your brain to stop replaying the dream. As you stood up and headed to the bathroom to get ready, you repeatedly told yourself that it had only happened because you watched that stupid, sexy movie yesterday.

You weren't so sure.

After a quick shower, you got dressed, brushed your teeth, fixed your hair and headed downstairs. You could smell something cooking and, sure enough, as you walked into the kitchen, Sebastian slid a plate of fresh, fluffy, syrupy pancakes across the table in your direction. They looked delicious – clearly breakfast foods were his forte.

You thanked him enthusiastically as you sat down across from him, both of you beginning to eat. Sebastian's hair was wet and a blush rose to your cheeks as you managed to recall another part of last night's dream, where he'd joined you in the shower. You clenched your fist (and your thighs) as unholy thoughts flooded your mind once again.

Four days. This was only the fourth day. This was torture.

After you'd finished breakfast, you went to stand up, but Sebastian reached across the table and gently grabbed your wrist, stopping you. Ridiculously, you had to remind yourself to breathe for a second.

"I, um, are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"What?" you replied, confusion evident in your tone of voice.

"Well, it's just that I walked past your room and it sounded like you were maybe having a nightmare. Sorry I didn't wake you, I just didn't want to intrude or scare you or something, y'know?"

You almost choked on air and had to take a moment to compose yourself. Of course you'd been making some kind of noises. That was just your luck. You could only hope that you hadn't been moaning Sebastian's name or whatever.

"Yeah, uh... I'm good. It was just a dream. Nothing too bad," you spoke awkwardly.

What else were you supposed to say? Yeah, apparently I was fantasising about you pinning me against the shower tiles and fucking me. Nothing too bad.

Luckily, Sebastian either didn't pick up on your sudden uncomfortableness, or he just chose not to mention it. He simply nodded, only just letting go of your wrist. You could feel tingles on your skin where his fingers had touched you.

"Well, if you ever wanna talk to me about anything, you know I'm just across the hall, okay?"

You smiled gratefully before politely excusing yourself, heading over to the couch to FaceTime Allie. She picked up on the first ring, just like always.

"We should go swimming," she blurted immediately, making you laugh.

"Well, hello to you too. And yeah, maybe we should. Now? I'll meet you there, give me the address of the pool again."

Once Allie made sure you knew where you were going, she excitedly ended the call. You stood up to get your stuff and, as you caught sight of Sebastian playing on his phone in the background, your mind drifted back to the new swimsuit you'd bought the day before.

"Hey, Seb," you called out, before you could chicken out, "wanna come swimming with me and the others?"

He thought for a second, tilting his head to the side. "Sure, why not? Just give me a couple of minutes."

As he disappeared upstairs, you smirked to yourself. This could be fun – maybe you could mess with him a little.

Miraculously, the pool was pretty empty when you and Sebastian arrived. Parting ways, you met Allie and Sophia in the changing room. Both of them squealed childishly when you emerged from your cubicle wearing the slightly skimpy red bikini, your hair messily tied up.

"He won't be able to keep his eyes off you," Sophia commented. You brushed off the remark, pretending not to care, and walked through to the pool area.

The boys were already in the water at the shallow end and, even though you'd seen Sebastian shirtless on a television screen, you practically had to pick your jaw up off the floor.

He was built like a Greek God.

While you were pretty obviously checking him out, he was doing the same to you. You felt his gaze quickly sweep over your curves, which upped your confidence just enough for you to smirk at him when you finally managed to tear your eyes away from his abs. He blushed and you chuckled to yourself, shaking your head.

And then suddenly, you were being tugged into the water, gasping in surprise while Luca howled with laughter, clearly proud of his stupid little prank.

Once you got over the initial shock, you set out for revenge, aggressively shoving Luca backwards. Of course, that started a war; the two of you spent the next five minutes screaming and yelling as you attempted to splash each other, until eventually, a truce was struck.

As you clutched the pool ladder, trying to catch your breath, you glanced at Sebastian. He was standing completely still, all but glaring at Luca, complete jealousy written all over his face.

You quickly glanced to your right, seeing that the others were now occupied, heading towards one of the tube slides. Smirking, you slowly swam towards Sebastian and tapped him lightly on the arm. His expression turned to one of confusion and you giggled playfully, leaning towards him to whisper in his ear.

"Tag, you're it."

As soon as the words left your mouth, you kicked off the side of the pool and began to swim away as fast as you could.

"Not fair, you got a head start!" Sebastian shouted indignantly as he followed you. However, he was a fast swimmer and it only took about thirty seconds before he caught up with you.

You felt two strong arms wrap around your waist from behind and you squealed as Sebastian chuckled smugly. He spun you around so that you were facing him, your legs tangling with his underwater. The twinkle in his eye was enough to make you blush.

For a few slow seconds, neither of you moved. The background noise melted away and all you could see was Sebastian, his eyes, his hair, his lips. And he was really noticing how good you looked in that little bikini.

And then Allie called your name, and the moment was over. He let go of your waist, winking slyly at you as you treaded water, a dopey smile still on your face.

The tension between the two of you was already somewhat unbearable. But, as you headed over to join Allie again, there was no doubt in your mind...

Things were going to get a lot more interesting.

summer in the city 「 s.stan 」Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang