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Luckily, you didn't have anymore borderline creepy dreams after the whole swimming fiasco. The following morning, you woke up early and decided to surprise Sebastian by making breakfast for him. After all, he'd already done the same for you.

Once you'd made yourself look presentable, you snuck down to the kitchen as quietly as possible. You already knew that Sebastian liked avocados, so you settled on trying to cook one of your favourite dishes (and one of the only things you were barely capable of making) – avocado toast with a fried egg on top.

After about ten minutes, it became apparent that things weren't going your way. You'd dropped two eggs on the floor, accidentally flung an avocado pit across the room, and just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, the smell of burning filled the room, followed by the loud, piercing beeping sound of the fire alarm.

Giving up on the food, you rushed over and tried to figure out how to switch it off. After staring cluelessly at the small box for a few seconds, you gave up and went to find Sebastian.

You looked in the living room, the office, even checked outside to see if he was walking past or something. As the alarm continued to blare, you came to the conclusion that, miraculously, Sebastian had slept through all the noise.

You lingered outside the door to his bedroom, not quite sure what to do. If he wasn't woken up by the alarm, you didn't think there was any point in knocking on the door. Instead, you opened it and slowly walked in, hoping that he wouldn't mind.

The first thing you noticed was that, for some reason, the wall was littered with several pictures of a shirtless Tom Hiddleston. You stifled a giggle, before turning your attention to Sebastian, who was wrapped up in a blanket, sleeping soundly with his lips parted slightly and his hair all messed up.

"Seb," you called. "Seb, help."

He stirred a little, but didn't wake up. Seeing no other option, you began to clap and loudly stomp your feet while shouting his name.

Just as he groaned and opened his eyes, the fire alarm stopped by itself. Suddenly, it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop, and you were standing by Sebastian's bed, way too early in the morning, clapping and yelling at him like a lunatic.

Fortunately, he wasn't angry; he appeared to be bemused by your embarrassed expression as you rushed to explain the situation.

"Oh, God. I promise I'm not weird, I- the alarm, the fire alarm! I was trying to make us breakfast and I burnt it and the alarm was going off and I didn't know how to stop it! And you weren't waking up, I swear that's why I came in here—"

"Y/N," Sebastian interrupted, chuckling sleepily as he sat up. He was shirtless, which caused you to blush even harder than you already were. "Stop freaking out, it's fine. I slept through my alarm anyway, so this is probably a good thing."

Your breath hitched when Sebastian climbed out of bed, not seeming to care that he was wearing only a pair of very tight fitting, dark blue boxers. When you didn't reply (you were too busy trying not to let your eyes travel south), he laughed again.

"Y'know, when I imagined you being in my bedroom, this isn't exactly what I was thinking of."

You gulped, convincing yourself that he was just messing with you. As you began to walk out of the room, you took a deep breath and forced yourself to think of a witty response.

"Well, we have another three weeks before I leave, Stan. Maybe you'll get lucky."

You looked back and winked before disappearing, heading back to the kitchen to clean up the mess. Sebastian stood, rooted to the spot, gawking at the now empty place where you'd been standing.

He wasn't expecting that. At all.

In the end, the two of you decided to go out for lunch instead. You were a little annoyed that your surprise didn't work out, but hey, the flirting almost made up for it.

Of course, you invited your friends. You noticed the way that Sebastian's jaw clenched when Luca arrived and you smirked to yourself, recognising the jealous expression that you'd also seen the day before.

Unfortunately, Allie also picked up on the unusual tension between the two men. She leaned towards Sophia and whispered something in her ear, and the two of you giggled before deciding to let you in on the secret discussion.

"He totally likes you."

"You tell me that every single day," you hissed, "now shut up before he hears you."

Although you were always quick to dismiss any claims about Sebastian's feelings towards you, you were beginning to wonder yourself. Did he like you? It would explain his behaviour.

Did you want him to like you?

Did you like him?

When it was time to order the food, you shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts. Of course you don't like him. You barely know the guy, Y/N, calm down.

When it was Sebastian's turn to order, you noticed the waitress (a pretty, skinny blonde, of course) giggling and attempting to initiate a conversation with him. Your heart rate increased and, before you could control yourself, you narrowed your eyes at her. You became even more flustered when Sebastian immediately shut her down, catching your eye from his seat opposite you.

Maybe you did like him.

summer in the city 「 s.stan 」Where stories live. Discover now