DAY 20

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After the events of the previous day, you found that you were still pretty shaken up. Sebastian had been a great help – he'd made you breakfast, watched several movies with you as a distraction and cuddled with you for hours on end. At one point, he'd even offered to call Chris Evans and fly him out to meet you, all just to cheer you up.

While you appreciated everything he was doing, you couldn't help your heightened nerves. Every time your phone chimed, you would wince. If there was ever a knock at the door, you would retreat upstairs until you knew who it was.

Of course, Sebastian noticed. Despite his best efforts throughout the day, your anxiety didn't seem to be easing up at all. Eventually, he thought it was best to confront the issue at hand.

"Sweetheart?" he began, slipping his hand into yours and squeezing reassuringly. "You okay?"

"Honestly? No," you replied after a moment of hesitation. You could've lied, but what would be the point when he'd see right through it anyway? "I can't get him out of my head, Seb."

"What can I do to help?"

Despite yourself, you chuckled. "You're already helping. You've done so much for me, and you know I'm grateful, right? I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Well... what usually calms you down?" Sebastian questioned, smoothly dodging your compliment, simply because he didn't want to focus on himself and what he was or wasn't doing for you. He just wanted to help you.

"If I was at home, I'd just get in my car and go for a drive. Put some music on, maybe park somewhere and watch the sunset or something. But I can't do that here."

"Take my car," he responded immediately.

"No, I can't. What if I scratch it or something? You love that car, Seb."

It was true. He'd bought the sleek Jaguar only a few years back, and it was one of his prized possessions. But if he had to choose between you and the car – well, he wouldn't even have to think about it. He'd pick you in a heartbeat.

"Please? Maybe we could go to that lake I showed you after our first date?"

You smiled at the memory, before sighing, awkwardly running a hand through your hair. "I– uh, don't take this the wrong way, but is it okay if I go by myself? I just... I need some time to think."

Understandably, Sebastian was a little hesitant. He'd vowed to keep you in his sights, to keep you safe, and that was one promise that he definitely didn't want to break. But he couldn't deny you this. He couldn't keep you inside with him forever, no matter how much he wanted to. So he fumbled around in his pocket, before tossing his keys over for you to catch.

You dropped them. Of course.

Before long, you were slipping your shoes on, kissing Sebastian on the cheek and heading out into the parking lot by yourself. It was humid and sticky outside, so you were grateful when you wear seated inside the car with the air conditioning blowing your hair back.

You didn't really know where you were going, but that didn't matter. Driving aimlessly gave you a much needed change to mull over everything that had happened during the last few days. Even though it was upsetting to think about, you couldn't run from it forever.

When a decent amount of time had passed, you stopped at a red light and quickly programmed the address of the apartment into the car, replying on the directions to get you back. You softly sang along to one of your favourite Arctic Monkeys songs, turning up the volume as the light turned green and you pressed your foot on the gas again, crossing the intersection.

The truck seemed to come out of nowhere. You swerved, stomping your foot on the brake pedal, but it was too late. As Sebastian's car smashed head on into the huge vehicle, a series of images flashed through your mind.

Your father, as he drunkenly leered at you on the last day you ever saw him.

Allie, grinning at you as you threw your graduation hat in the air.

Sebastian, holding his hand out to great you when you first met him at the airport. Sebastian, kissing your forehead as you fell asleep in his lap.


And then darkness.

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