DAY 22

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After your second night at the hospital, you were growing increasingly restless. You were more than ready to go home – after all, your injuries weren't too serious, and the thrumming pain in your head could be treated with some standard painkillers.

You were never left by yourself, which helped somewhat. Sebastian and Allie were both especially reluctant to leave; even though you insisted that they should, they stayed by your side, only disappearing for a few minutes at a time to buy meals from the shop in the atrium.

At around midday, while everyone was gathered at your bedside, your doctor entered the room with a cheerful smile.

"We have some good news for you," he began. "You—"

"I can go home?" you interrupted, grinning widely as Sebastian chuckled at your eagerness.

"Well, not exactly. We're keeping you in for one more night, just to be absolutely sure that your injuries won't have any lasting complications. Providing everything is fine, we'll prescribe you some pills to help with your concussion, and you'll be discharged tomorrow morning."

Your friends cheered as you thanked the doctor, nodding gratefully as he briskly walked away. Sebastian used the momentary distraction to slip his hand into yours, squeezing gently, causing your heart to flutter slightly.

As observant as ever, Allie picked up on the small movement and winked at you, before standing up and dragging Sophia and Luca with her.

"Hey, let's go downstairs and get some candy or something to celebrate," she suggested. "We'll be back soon!"

As obvious as that technique was, you were grateful for any alone time that you could have with Sebastian. You contentedly pulled him closer to you, laughing when he almost fell off his chair as a result.

"If you're not careful, I'll end up in the hospital too," he joked, shifting to regain his balance.

You rolled your eyes playfully as an idea popped into your head. Carefully, you scooted to the side as much as you could, leaving half of your single bed available before patting the empty space.

Understandably, Sebastian looked a little skeptical. "Y/N, you know our friends will be back—"

"I don't care," you declared; and it was true. You didn't, not anymore.

With a hurried nod, he slid onto the mattress, immediately wrapping his arms around your waist. It was a tight squeeze; Sebastian was six foot and muscle clad, but after a few moments of shifting and rearranging your limbs, the two of you managed to find a comfortable position. Your head was tucked into the crook of his neck, while your legs were tangled with his.

"I'm pretty sure this is against the rules," he commented, although he definitely didn't care. He was just glad to be close to you once again, to be able to hold you.

Cuddling with Sebastian only reminded you of what he'd said yesterday. And, since this was your chance to finally set things straight after weeks of torment, you decided to take it.

"Seb?" you murmured, tilting your head upwards to meet his gaze. "Did you mean what you said yesterday?"

You were expecting him to respond bashfully, maybe even to avoid the subject. But, as it turned out, you were pleasantly surprised by his immediate, firm response.

"Of course," he assured, nodding his head so that the tip of his nose brushed against yours. "I know it might be a little early, but... it just feels right, y'know? I love you, Y/N."

You could've shut him down. You could've told him that you needed more time to think, or that things felt rushed between the two of you. But that would've been a lie. Everything felt perfect and, as he gazed at you with nothing but pure hopeful adoration filling those baby blue eyes, you didn't want to waste another second.

"I love you too, Seb."

Sebastian swore he could've jumped up and ran ten victory laps around the entire hospital. He almost wanted to, just to be able to scream to everyone that finally, you were his and he was yours.

Instead, he kissed you. Softly, sweetly, tenderly, while his hand drifted up to cup your face. For once, you weren't interrupted; the moment was exquisite, both of you completely gratified in each other's arms.

At last, maybe things were starting to look up.

summer in the city 「 s.stan 」Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang